Viewing transaction history - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The History page is available to administrative users from the Administration page. Transaction history logs all user activity, such as creating, editing, and deleting objects, and changing system settings.

You can view the transaction history for individual objects and for the entire system. The History page displays all transactions within Address Manager.

To view the transaction history:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on. Select the Administration tab again to ensure you are working with the Administration page.
  2. Under Tracking, click Transaction History.
  3. The History section displays the following information:
    • Operation—a description of the operation recorded by the transaction
    • User—the name of the user who performed the transaction
    • Time—the date and time the transaction occurred
    • Transaction Number—the unique identification number for the transaction
  4. Under the User column, click a username in to view user details.
  5. Under the Operation column, click an item in the list to view the transaction details.
    • The General section provides general information about the transaction:
      • Operation—a description of the operation performed
      • Comment—the change control comments entered for the transaction
      • Time—the date and time of the transaction
      • Transaction Number—the unique identification number for the transaction
    • The History Details section lists details for each object affected by the transaction:
      • Action—the action performed
      • Object Type—the type of object or objects affected by the transaction
      • Object ID—the unique identification number for the object
      • Field Name—the detailed field information of the affected object
      • Previous State—previous values of each fields in the object
      • Updated State—updated values of each fields in the object