Working with workflow change requests - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The Change Request Details page shows the details of a workflow change request.

You can view change requests with the Workflow Requests widget on the My IPAM page.

Users with different workflow permissions see different change request items:
  • Users with the Approve workflow permission see change requests from all users.
  • Users with the Recommend workflow permission see only their own change requests.
  • Users with the None workflow permission don't see any change request information.

For information about working with My IPAM dashboards and widgets, refer to My IPAM overview.

To view all workflow change requests within a configuration:

  1. Select the My IPAM tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the User Home Page.
  2. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  3. Click Settings to change the configuration that you are working with.
  4. The Workflow Requests section on the My IPAM page shows the beginning of the list of change requests made within the configuration.
  5. Click More to view all change requests in the list.
    • When displayed from the Change Requests section on the My IPAM tab, the page lists all the change requests within the configuration.
    • When displayed from the Change Requests section on the Details tab of an object (a DNS view, DNS zone, resource record, external host record, IPv4 block, IPv4 network, or IPv4 address), the page lists all change requests made within or for the object.
    The Change Request section lists the following change request information:
    • Action—the action requested by a user, such as the creation or deletion of an object.
    • Entity—the object for which the change request is made, such as an IPv4 network, IPv4 address, DNS zone, or resource record.
    • Creator—the user who has made the change request.
    • Create Time—the date and time the change request was made.
    • State—an icon indicating the current state of the change request: Pending, Approved, or Denied.
    • Modifier—the user who approved the change request. This information appears only after a change request is approved or denied.
    • Modify Time—the date and time the change request was approved. This information appears only after a change request is approved.
    • Has Dependency—shows if another change request must be approved before this change request can be approved. For example, an IP address assignment may be dependent upon a network creation request being approved.
    • Has Error—if the change request can't be approved, the reason for the problem appears here.
  6. Use the drop-down menu to filter the list of change requests:
    • Show All—shows all change requests in the list.
    • My Pending Requests—shows only the change requests that you have made and that are in the Waiting for Approval state.
    • Requests I Can Approve—shows only the change requests that you can approve.
  7. Click a change request to view additional details:
    • The Summary section lists information about the change request. In addition to the information listed in step 5, you can also see the following:
      • Workflow ID—the system identification number for the change request.
      • Comment—text from the object’s Change Control field added when the user created the change request.
      • Status—if the change request can't be approved, the reason for the problem appears here.
    • The Request Info section displays information about the object affected by the change request.
    • The Additional Information section appears only for administrators and only when IP overlap detection is enabled. When the IP overlap detection function shows that the requested object conflicts with an existing block or network in another configuration, administrators can select the Override IP overlap detection check box to override the warning and create the object.
    The actions you can perform depend on your workflow permissions and the state of the change request:
    • Users with Recommend permission can delete the change request regardless of the state of the request.
    • Users with Approve permission can approve, deny, or delete the change request if it's in the Waiting for approval state. Change requests in the Approved or Denied state can only be deleted.
    To approve the change request:
    • Click Approve. The change request is approved and the Workflow — Change Requests page opens. The Status column shows that the change request is Approved. If IP override detection detects a conflict between the requested object and an existing object in another configuration, a warning message appears.
      • For non-administrator users, the warning message appears in the Summary section of the page. Non-administrator users can't override the IP override detection warning. Non-administrator users should contact a system administrator to have the object created on their behalf.
      • For administrator users, the warning appears in the Additional Information section of the page. Administrators can override the warning and approve the object. To do so, select the Override IP overlap detection check box and click Approve.
    To deny the change request:
    • Click Deny. The change request is denied and the Workflow — Change Requests page opens. The Status column shows that the change request is Denied.

    To delete the change request:

    1. Click Delete.
    2. Click Yes. The change request is deleted and the Workflow — Change Requests page opens. The change request is removed from the list of requests.