iDRAC - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The Integrated Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) allows remote control and monitoring of your appliance. This section describes the set-up and configuration of iDRAC for BlueCat appliances only.

Note: Compatible iDRAC appliances
iDRAC can be configured on the following appliances:
  • Address Manager 3000, 6000
  • DNS/DHCP Server 20, 45, 60, 100, 100D
  • BlueCat GEN4-7000 (BDDS125), GEN4-5000 (BDDS75), GEN4-4000 (BDDS50), and GEN4-2000 (BDDS25)
    Note: BlueCat DNS Integrity CORE, BORDER, and BRANCH have been rebranded to the following names:
    • BlueCat DNS Integrity CORE has been rebranded to BlueCat GEN4-7000 (BDDS125). If you have previously configured a BlueCat DNS Integrity CORE profile, the profile will be updated to BlueCat GEN4-7000 (BDDS125) upon upgrading to Address Manager v9.1.0.
    • BlueCat DNS Integrity BORDER has been rebranded to BlueCat GEN4-5000 (BDDS75). If you have previously configured a BlueCat DNS Integrity BORDER profile, the profile will be updated to BlueCat GEN4-5000 (BDDS75) upon upgrading to Address Manager v9.1.0.
    • BlueCat DNS Integrity BRANCH has been rebranded to BlueCat GEN4-4000 (BDDS50) and BlueCat GEN4-2000 (BDDS25). If you have previously configured a BlueCat DNS Integrity BRANCH profile, the profile will be updated to BlueCat GEN4-4000 (BDDS50) upon upgrading to Address Manager v9.1.0.

iDRAC provides remote access to the Virtual Console and information on the state of the physical appliance, such as battery condition, fan RPM, intrusion, and other parameters. You can also modify IPv4 and IPv6 settings and remotely reboot the appliance and access remote disk images through iDRAC.

  • BlueCat GEN4-7000 (BDDS125), GEN4-5000 (BDDS75), GEN4-4000 (BDDS50), and GEN4-2000 (BDDS25) appliances have a separate iDRAC port. You must configure the iDRAC IP address when you set up iDRAC.
  • Address Manager 6000 appliances have a separate iDRAC port. You must configure the iDRAC IP address when you set up iDRAC.
  • DNS/DHCP Server 20 appliances share the iDRAC port with the eth0 Ethernet port.
  • DNS/DHCP Server 45, 60, 100, and 100D appliances have a separate iDRAC port. You must configure the iDRAC IP address when you set up iDRAC.

iDRAC DHCP timeout

By default, DHCP is enabled on iDRAC and configured with a five minute timeout period. If iDRAC can't obtain an IP address within five minutes, iDRAC disables DHCP. If DHCP becomes disabled, you must either assign a static IP address or re-enable DHCP via the Configuration Utility / Virtual Console.

  • The five minute DHCP timeout period begins when you first power on the appliance.
  • On models without a power switch on the rear of the appliance, the iDRAC card receives power when you plug in the appliance. On models with a power switch on the rear of the appliance, the iDRAC card receives power when you plug in the appliance and turn on the rear power switch. In both cases, you don't need to turn on the power switch on the front of the appliance to apply power to the iDRAC card.
  • Removing and then reapplying power to the appliance doesn't reset the iDRAC DHCP timeout period.