Changes in Legacy v1 API Behavior - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Legacy v1 API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The Address Manager v9.5.0 Legacy v1 API includes the following changes:

  • With fresh installations of Address Manager v9.5.0, the default Address Manager admin user now has administrative API access in addition to administrative UI access.
    Note: If you upgraded from an earlier version to Address Manager v9.5.0, the admin user does not have administrative API access by default.
  • The experimental GraphQL API Lab has been removed from Address Manager v9.5.0.
  • The configureServerServices API method has been updated to include support for configuring the DHCP Activity service configuration.
  • The BlueCat Gateway configuration JSON schema has been updated for the configureServerServices API method to include the removeVolumes field. Setting the removeVolumes field to true when disabling the service removes unused local volumes and the mounted data and logs directories.
  • The syslog configuration JSON schema has been updated for the configureServerServices API method to include the ability to select service information that is sent to syslog, the logging level, whether syslog messages comply to RFC5424, whether syslog messages use the ISO 8601 timestamp format, and whether syslog messages are sent using the TLS protocol.
  • The configureServerServices JSON schema for DNS/DHCP Server health telemetry services (DNS Activity, DNS Statistics, DHCP Statistics) has been updated to include support for output to Kafka clusters and Elasticsearch servers. These additional output options are also available for the new DHCP Activity service.
  • The configureAuditLogExport JSON schema has been updated include support for Kafka clusters and Elasticsearch servers.
    Note: Address Manager v9.5.0 also introduces improvements to the audit data export service by updating the format of exported data, reducing the default event size, and adding the ability to set a custom event size limit. Users with existing audit data export configurations may need to update the settings of their log management tool (data sink) after upgrade to v9.5.0, to ensure that messages continue to be received. For more information, refer to Reference: Audit data export configuration example.
  • The getIP4Address and getIP6Address API methods now return the leaseDateTime and expireDateTime fields for IP addresses that are in a DHCP_RESERVED state.
    Note: The leaseDateTime and expireDateTime fields will only appear for the DHCP Reserved IP address type when the DNS/DHCP Server that leases the IP address is running version 9.5.0. If the DNS/DHCP Server is on version 9.4.0 or earlier, the fields will not be displayed when the DHCP Reserved IP address is leased.
  • Address Manager 9.5.0 introduces DHCP support for /31 networks. DHCP ranges, options, roles, and reserved addresses can now be configured on /31 networks, allowing users to save space when configuring point to point networks. Use the addDHCP4Range method with start and end addresses when adding DHCP ranges, as /31 networks do not support adding range by offset and size or percentage.
    Note: The introduction of DHCP support for /31 networks in Address Manager v9.5.0 removed the ability to perform merge, resize, and split operations involving /31 networks. The 9.5.1 Patch for Address Manager restores this functionality, allowing users to merge /31 networks, resize networks to and from /31, and split larger networks into a set of /31 networks. The ability to split /31 networks is planned to be added in Address Manager v9.6.0.
    Note: In order to support two allocatable IP addresses, /31 networks are special cases that do not have network, gateway, or broadcast addresses. Resizing or splitting larger networks to /31 will remove associated network, gateway, and broadcast addresses.
    Note: Resize and merge operations cannot be performed on a /31 network if a DHCP range is present on the network.
  • A forImport parameter has been added to the selectCriteria JSON for the exportEntities method to structure output data into NDJSON for compatibility with the new importEntities method.
    Note: The output NDJSON from exportEntities with forImport enabled will contain extra fields that must be ignored when importing into importEntities. Refer to Export entities for more information.