DELETE request example - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Legacy v1 API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

All delete-related API methods use the DELETE method for the v1 REST API. This example uses deleteDHCPClientDeploymentOption to delete a specified DHCP client option.

API call example

Authorization: BAMAuthToken: UTtSjMTQ1ODAzMTgzMDUxMzphcGk=
Content-Type: application/json
Parameter Description
entityId The object ID for the entity from which the deployment option will be deleted.
name The name of the DHCPv4 client option to be deleted. This is a constant listed in DHCP client options.
serverId The specific server to which this option is deployed. To delete an option that has not been assigned to a server, set this value to zero (0).

Successful response

No response.