GET /v1/getIP4NetworksByHint - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Legacy v1 API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Returns an array of IPv4 networks found under a given container object. You can filter the networks can using the ObjectProperties.hint, ObjectProperties.accessRight, and ObjectProperties.overrideType options.
Note: This API method supports read-only API sessions. For more information on read-only API sessions and a list of API methods that support read-only API session, refer to Read-only Legacy v1 API sessions.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID for the container object. It can be the object ID of any object in the parent object hierarchy. The highest parent object is the configuration level.

Location: query

Type: integer (int32)

Indicates the maximum number of child objects that this method will return. The maximum number of child objects that can be returned is 10.

Location: query

Type: string

A string containing options. The option names available in the ObjectProperties are ObjectProperties.hint, ObjectProperties.accessRight, and ObjectProperties.overrideType. Separate multiple options with a pipe character. For example:
The values for the ObjectProperties.hint option can be the prefix of the IP address for a network or the name of a network.
  • Example 1
    The following example will match networks that have the network ID starting with 192.168. For example, or
    String options = ObjectProperties.hint + “=198.168|”
  • Example 2
    The following example will match networks that have a name starting with “abc”. For example, “abc”, “abc123” or “abcdef”.
    String options = ObjectProperties.hint + “=abc|”
Note: Matching networks to a network ID Example 1 will take precedence over matching networks to a name Example 2.
The values for the ObjectProperties.accessRight and ObjectProperties.overrideType options must be one of the constants listed in Access right values and Object types. For example:
String options = ObjectProperties.accessRight + "=" + AccessRightValues.AddAccess +
"|"+ ObjectProperties.overrideType + "=" + ObjectTypes.HostRecord;

Location: query

Type: integer (int32)

Indicates where in the list of objects to start returning objects. The list begins at an index of 0.


Code Description

Type: Array of APIEntity

Returns an array of IPv4 networks based on the input argument without their properties fields populated, or returns an empty array if containerId is invalid. If no access right option is specified, the View access level will be used by default.