POST /v1/addStartOfAuthority - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Legacy v1 API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Adds SOA records.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: string

Specifies the email address of the administrator for the zones to which the SOA applies.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

Specifies the length of time that a secondary server will use a non-updated set of zone data before it stops sending queries. This is specified as a number of seconds using a 32-bit integer. RFC 1912 recommends a value from 1209600 to 2419200 seconds or 2 to 4 weeks.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

Specifies the maximum amount of time that a negative cache response is held in cache. A negative cache response is a response to a DNS query that does not return an IP address a failed request. Until this value expires, queries for this DNS record return an error. The maximum value for this field is 10800 seconds, or 3 hours.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID of the parent object of the SOA record.

Location: query

Type: string

Adds object properties, including comments and user-defined fields. The supported properties are time-to-live TTL, primary server mname and serial number format serialNumberFormat. To override the default TTL value for SOA records, use ObjectProperties.ttl=”<value>” of the properties string.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The amount of time that a secondary server waits before attempting to refresh zone files from the primary server. This is specified in seconds using a 32-bit integer value. RFC 1912 recommends a value between 1200 and 4300 seconds.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

Specifies the amount of time that the secondary server should wait before re-attempting a zone transfer from the primary server after the refresh value has expired. This is specified as a number of seconds using a 32-bit integer value.


Code Description

Type: integer (int64)

Returns the object ID for the new SOA record.