Installing the Ansible module - Adaptive Plugins - BlueCat Gateway - 2.9

Ansible Module Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

To obtain the Ansible Module 2.9 software (, contact BlueCat Customer Care.

The package includes the following files:

  • – the Ansible module
  • Ansible Playbooks – located in the playbooks folder, in YAML format
  • A vars folder containing the external_vars.yml file
Note: Ansible Playbook

When using Ansible Playbook, BlueCat recommends using the “localhost” host. It is not necessary to add either the BlueCat Gateway or the BlueCat Address Manager servers to your Ansible inventory.

To install the Ansible Module:

  1. Download the Ansible Module from BlueCat Customer Care.
  2. Copy thefiles into an appropriate directory. BlueCat recommends placing the files in a directory located in the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environment variable.
  3. Verify the module by executing the following command in Ansible Manager:
    ansible-doc bluecat

    This command returns the BlueCat Ansible Module documentation.