Troubleshooting - Adaptive Plugins - BlueCat Gateway - 2.9

Ansible Module Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Tips and workarounds for possible issues you might encounter with the Ansible Module.

Error Message: Provided parameters do not match any valid paths

If you are combining an action and resource that do not actually function together, you may get this error message instead of the more common “method not available” response from the Gateway server. To resolve this issue, use a different action.

This is most common when using the getall action instead of the get action for some resources.


The BlueCat Ansible Module is documented in the following locations:

  • The swagger documentation found at http://BlueCatGatewayFQDN/api/v1/
  • The documentation available via the ansible-doc bluecat command
  • The BlueCat Address Manager API Guide contains information regarding certain expected values (For example, deployment option names or object types)