Additional configurations after enabling Dedicated Management - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

These are additional configurations that you must set to reconnect to your virtual appliances after enabling Dedicated Management.

Connecting to the management port

Enabling Dedicated Management will disconnect your SSH connectivity to the Management interface. Once you enable Dedicated Management, you must re-establish the SSH connection to the Management interface.

To reconnect to your instance after enabling Dedicated Management:
  • Establish your SSH connection to the Dedicated Management interface.
    ssh -i <key_pair_file_name> bluecat@<dedicated_management_ip>

Adding a static route

After enabling Dedicated Management, if Address Manager and BlueCat DNS and DHCP Server for Azure are not on the same subnet, you must manually add a static route on BlueCat DNS and DHCP Server for Azure virtual appliances to allow connectivity to Address Manager via the Dedicated Management interface.

To add a static route for Address Manager:
  • Add a static route indicating to where the BlueCat DNS and DHCP Server for Azure server should send packets.
    Adonis> configure network
    Adonis:configure:network> add static-route network <BAM_SUBNET/NETMASK> via-address <dedicated_management_interface_gateway_IP>
You might also need to add static routes for the following service and devices:
  • You need to add a static route to any devices that require access through the Dedicated Management interface, such as SSH clients or SNMP management servers.