Advanced Azure users can also launch BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances instances using the Azure command line interface.
For detailed information about installing and configuring the Azure CLI, refer to the following Azure documentation:
If you are deploying the virtual appliance on Azure Government, refer to the following Azure documentation:
Launch BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliances using the Azure CLI
Find the VM image on the Azure Marketplace. For information, see
For example, the following command will return a table of available bluecat images for the East US region:
az vm image list --location eastus --publisher bluecat --all --output table
You'll receive the following VM image information, which you need to use to run the command in step 2.VM image column Parameter urn --image sku --plan-name publisher --plan-publisher offer --plan-product Note: The Azure CLI SKUs for BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliance images are different than the BlueCat Product SKUs provided at purchase and used when launching via the Azure Portal Web UI. Use the Azure CLI SKUs bamvmforazure and bddsvmforazure when launching the appliance to use the most recent BlueCat Azure Virtual Appliance images. The version of Address Manager or DNS/DHCP Server is specified at the end of the image urn (i.e.bluecat:bluecat-dns-for-azure:bddsvmforazure:9.4.0
). -
Run the following command:
computerName:MS-Azure userName$ az vm create --resource-group <rg-resourceGroupName> --location <locationCode> --name <bddsName> --size <vm size> --authentication-type ssh --admin-username bluecat --ssh-key-value <sshKey>.pub --custom-data cloud-init.txt --image <image URN> --nics <nic 1 name> <nic 2 name> --plan-name <image SKU> --plan-publisher <image publisher> --plan-product <image offer>
For example:
computerName:MS-Azure yourName$ az vm create --resource-group rg-exampleGroup --location westus --name bdds1 --size Standard_F4S_v2 --authentication-type ssh --admin-username bluecat --ssh-key-value --custom-data cloud-init.txt --image bluecat:bluecat-dns-for-azure:bddsvmforazure:9.4.0 --nics bdds1-nic-eth0 bdds1-nic-eth2 --plan-name bddsvmforazure --plan-publisher bluecat --plan-product bluecat-dns-for-azure
Where the cloud-init.txt file contains the following license information:#cloud-config bluecat_license: key: "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" id: "your client id"
Note: #cloud-config must be in a valid YAML format. Spaces are required before line 3 (Activation key) and line 4 (Client ID).Note: For more information onaz vm create
parameters, refer to Based on the Address Manager or DNS/DHCP model that you would like to deploy, the--size
value must be one of the following instance types:BlueCat Address Manager for AzureBlueCat DNS & DHCP for AzureProduct SKU Instance type --size
valuevCPUs Memory (GB) cBAM-1000 Standard F4s v2 Standard_F4s_v2 4 8 cBAM-5000 Standard F16s v2 Standard_F16s_v2 16 32 cBAM-7000 Standard F32s v2 Standard_F32s_v2 32 64 Product SKU Instance type --size
valuevCPUs Memory (GB) cBDDS-25 Standard F4s v2 Standard_F4s_v2 4 8 cBDDS-50 Standard F8s v2 Standard_F8s_v2 8 16 cBDDS-75 Standard F16s v2 Standard_F16s_v2 16 32 cBDDS-125 Standard F32s v2 Standard_F32s_v2 32 64 For detailed information about Azure VM sizes, refer to