Creating the BlueCatGateway UDF - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

BlueCat Cisco ACI Adaptive Plugin Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

This application is built on the BlueCat Gateway platform. Within Address Manager, you must create a user-defined field (UDF) with the name BlueCatGateway (and some additional parameters) to allow user access to BlueCat Gateway workflows.

User permissions in BlueCat Gateway are derived partly from configuration in BlueCat Gateway, and partly from Address Manager UDF values. The BlueCat Gateway UDF will contain those Address Manager values.

To create the BlueCatGateway UDF:

  1. Log in to Address Manager as an administrator.

  2. Select the Administration tab.

  3. Under Data Management, click Object Types.

  4. Under Object Categories, click Admin then click Named User. The Named User Object Information page opens.

  5. Under Fields, click New. The Add User-Defined Field page opens.

  6. Under General, set the following parameters:

    • Name: Type BlueCatGateway. This name will be used by the Address Manager database.

      Important: Enter this name exactly as written. The BlueCatGateway UDF name is case sensitive and does not contain spaces.
    • Display Name: Type a user-friendly name (such as BlueCat Gateway), then click Add. The display name appears below the text field.

    • Type: Select Text.

    • Hide From Search: Leave blank.*

    • Require Value: Leave blank.*

    • Under Pre-Defined Values, leave all fields and options blank.*

    • Under Advanced, leave the Validation Properties field blank.*

    • Under Change Control, add comments to describe your changes.

    When you're done, click Add.

The display name of the BlueCatGateway UDF will now appear under the Additional Information section of the Add User page.
Note: *Fields are left blank only as part of the basic creation of the BlueCatGateway UDF. You can modify Pre-Defined Values and Validation Properties to best suit the needs of your environment and users.