Importing Cisco ACI infrastructures into Address Manager - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1

BlueCat Cisco ACI Adaptive Plugin Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

This workflow imports Cisco ACI infrastructure details into a configuration within BlueCat Address Manager (BAM). Before using it, make sure you have an account with the Cisco ACI infrastructure that you want to import.

The import operation has two main steps:

  1. Discover tenants: Scan the Cisco ACI network for available tenants to import.

  2. Select and import tenant infrastructure: Select the tenants whose infrastructure you want to import and import them into BAM.

To discover available tenants on the Cisco ACI network:

  1. If you haven't already done so, log in to BlueCat Gateway.

  2. Go to the Cisco ACI workflow. (Click the Navigator button if necessary, then click Cisco ACI.)

  3. Enter connection and authentication details:

    • In APIC IP, enter the IP address of the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC).

    • In APIC Username, enter the username for the account that BlueCat Gateway should use to sign in to the controller.

    • In APIC Password, enter the password for the APIC account.

  4. (Optional) You can optionally import APIC, spine, and leaf components from the ACI Fabric operating system.

    Tip: The spine is the ACI network to which other network components are connected. Leaf devices are the devices and endpoints connected to an ACI network.

    To import the infrastructure from ACI Fabric:

    1. Select the Import ACI Fabric Devices to checkbox.

    2. Select the BAM configuration to which you want to import the devices.

      This BAM Configuration is distinct from Configurations into which tenant information is added. BlueCat recommends that you do not use the same Configurations used for Cisco ACI tenants.

    3. Click Import Fabric.

  5. When you're ready, click Discover Tenants.

    The Cisco ACI workflow performs searches the Cisco ACI infrasttructure for tenants, devices, and other infrastructure elements. The workflow displays a summary of the discovered items in the Tenant table.

To import Cisco ACI tenant infrastructures into the Address Manager configuration:

  1. If you haven't already done so, use the Cisco ACI workflow to discover the available tenants on your Cisco ACI infrastructure.

  2. In Configuration, do one of the following:

    • If you want to import from all selected tenants into a single Configuration in BAM, enter the name of the BAM Configuration to use.

    • If you want to import into multiple Configurations in BAM (one Configuration per tenant), make sure that the Configuration field is empty.

    For more details on how the Cisco ACI plugin works with BAM Configurations, see Imported ACI Tenant data and Address Manager Configurations.

  3. Choose the tenants whose information that you want to import from the table of discovered tenants.

    To do so, for each discovered tenant:

    • To import that tenant, select its Import checkbox.

    • To import the tenant's devices, select its Import Endpoint Devices checkbox.

    • (Optional) Select or clear the Overwrite Existing checkbox depending on whether you want ACI Tenant components that already exist as objects in BAM to overwrite the existing BAM objects.

      The conflict resolution behavior is complex. For a detailed description of what the Cisco ACI workflow considers a "conflict" and how those conflicts are resolved, see Conflicts with existing data in BAM.

      Note: The Overwrite Existing checkbox has no effect on the import of ACI Fabric devices.
    Tip: To filter the list, enter a search term in the Search box. To adjust the number of tenants displayed at a time, select the desired count in the Show box.
  4. When you've selected all the items that you want to import, click Import Infrastructure.

    The Cisco ACI workflow imports details about the selected tenants into a configuration into Address Manager.