If you deploy BlueCat Gateway on a BlueCat DNS/DHCP Server (BDDS), you can deploy BlueCat Cisco ACI there too.
Before you begin, review the prerequisites, technical specifications, limitations, and best practices for deploying BlueCat Gateway on a BlueCat DNS/DHCP Server (BDDS). For more information, see Gateway Service on BDDS appliances .
When configuring BlueCat Cisco ACI on a BDDS, you cannot specify the log directory or the workspace directory when starting the container. Log files are always written to the /var/log/gateway/ directory on the BDDS, and workspace data is always mapped to the /root/gwdata/ directory on the BDDS.
Log in to the BlueCat Address Manager user interface.
From the configuration drop-down menu, select a Configuration.
Select the Servers tab.
Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
Under Servers, click the name of a BDDS.
The Details tab for the server opens.
Click the Server name menu and select Service Configuration.
From the Service Type drop-down menu, select BlueCat Gateway.
Address Manager queries the server and returns the current values for the service settings.
Under General Settings, set the following parameters:
Enable Gateway Service: Select this check box to enable the BlueCat Gateway service.
Ports: Enter a list of ports to configure for BlueCat Cisco ACI.
Environment Variables: Enter a list of environment variables to pull to a container during startup.
- Volumes: You can specify the directory
(/root/gwmount/) that will be bind
mounted to the container for the CD&V database data
(/var/lib/postgresql/) to ensure data
persistence during the upgrade:
See CD&V container on a BDDS for more details.
Under Repository Settings, set the following parameters:
If pulling the Gateway image from a local or cloud repository:
- Repository: Use the following:
Tag: Use
.Username: Enter your Docker username.
Password: Enter your Docker encrypted password.
If uploading a Gateway image (Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Server v9.5.0 and greater):
Upload Image File: Select to open the upload image section.
Choose File: Select the BlueCat Cisco ACI image file to upload.
Tip: The format of the BlueCat Cisco ACI image file must be either tar or tar.gz.Attention: There is no file size limit when uploading Gateway images through the UI, but users are advised to check that Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Servers have sufficient resources and partition sizes to handle larger images, to avoid timeouts and errors.Upload Gateway image: Select the upload the chosen image file. Wait for the page to refresh before proceeding. After a successful upload and page refresh, the image name will be listed under Uploaded Image.
Click Update.
The Gateway Service initializes, pulls the images from the cloud or local repository, and starts the container. After a short delay while Gateway to register the configuration, Address Manager will redirect you to the Service Type dropdown menu page.
To confirm that the Gateway Service and container are running, select BlueCat Gateway from the Service Type dropdown menu. At the bottom of the page, you can find the Status and Description fields. If the Status displays "Running", the Gateway Service is enabled and the container is running.