Reference: Cisco ACI fabric devices in Address Manager - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 24.1.1

BlueCat Cisco ACI Adaptive Plugin Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

This section details how a Cisco ACI fabric infrastructure is modeled in Address Manager.

A Cisco ACI fabric may contain controller (APIC), leaf, and spine components. When importing Cisco ACI fabric devices, users must specify an existing BAM Configuration into which objects that represent the fabric infrastructure will be imported.

Created BAM objects for Cisco ACI fabric

The BlueCat Cisco ACI workflow creates objects in BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) based on components in the ACI fabric as follows.

Cisco ACI components BAM objects

ACI Fabric

Configuration (as selected during the import operation)

ACI Subnet

IPv4 Block with one or more IPv4 Networks

ACI Fabric Device

Device (with a new Device Type and Device Subtypes)

New BAM Device Types and Device Subtypes

The Cisco ACI workflow creates several device types and subtypes to model ACI fabric devices, including a new Device Type named Cisco ACI Infrastructure.

  • To view the list of available device types, in Address Manager, from the Groups tab, click Device Types.

  • To view the list of new device subtypes, in Address Manager, from the Groups tab, click Device Types, click Cisco ACI Infrastructure, then click Device Subtypes.

The new types and subtypes appear after the first time you import components from a Cisco ACI infratructure. The new types and subtypes are:

Entity Name

Device Type

Cisco ACI Infrastructure

Device Subtype (of device type Cisco ACI Infrastructure)


Device Subtype (of device type Cisco ACI Infrastructure)


Device Subtype (of device type Cisco ACI Infrastructure)


BAM object settings for Cisco ACI fabric infrastructures

When adding or updating objects in BlueCat Address Manager (BAM), the Cisco ACI workflow configures each object's settings to track details about the corresponding ACI component. In some cases, these values are tracked in new user-defined fields (UDFs). These settings are as follows.


Setting Value


The node or device's name within a Fabric Pod.

IP Addresses

The node's IPv4 address.

Device Type
Cisco ACI Infrastructure - <Device Subtype>

Where <Device Subtype> is Cisco ACI APIC, Cisco ACI SPINE, or CISCO ACI LEAF.

App Profile (UDF) N/A (applicable only to Cisco Endpoint Devices within a tenant)
Cisco External Addresses (UDF) N/A (applicable only to Cisco Endpoint Devices within a tenant)

The device's Domain Network (DN). The DN uses the following syntax:

topology/<Name of aci pod>/<Name of aci node>
MODEL (UDF) The ACI device model.
PORT (UDF) The port that the device uses for communications.
SERIAL (UDF) The serial number of the device.
STATE (UDF) The current state of the device according to the Cisco ACI operating system (such as active).
VENDOR (UDF) The device's vendor.

IPv4 Block

Blocks and Networks are used to model the ACI subnet where the ACI fabric devices are located.

Setting Value


Cisco ACI Fabric TEP Block
TEP pool
Cisco tenant (UDF) N/A (applicable only to blocks within a Cisco ACI tenant)

IPv4 Network

Blocks and Networks are used to model the ACI subnet where the ACI fabric devices are located.

Setting Value


Cisco ACI Fabric TEP Network

The ACI subnet gateway address range.

ACI Scope (UDF) N/A (applicable only to networks within a Cisco ACI tenant)
Cisco ACI (UDF) N/A (applicable only to networks within a Cisco ACI tenant)