What's new in version 23.1 - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.1

BlueCat Cisco ACI Adaptive Plugin Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

BlueCat Cisco ACI plugin v23.1 has the following new features:

Updated Gateway version

Cisco ACI Plugin 23.1 is built on Gateway 23.2.0. With this version of Gateway, Cisco ACI Plugin now supports Address Manager v9.3.0 (including patch releases up to v9.3.4), v9.4.0 (include patch releases up to 9.4.2), and v9.5.0 (include patch release up to 9.5.1).

Cisco APIC 5.2(x) compatibility

The Cisco ACI Plugin has been updated to be compatible with the latest long-lived Cisco APIC 5.2(x) release. It is still compatible with Cisco APIC 4.2(x).

Importing multiple Cisco ACI Tenants into a single BAM Configuration

Users can now import multiple Cisco ACI Tenants into a single BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) Configuration. If a BAM Configuration name is not specified, each ACI Tenant is imported into separate BAM Configurations (as per previous versions).