Azure requirements - BlueCat Cloud Resolver - 1.2.0

BlueCat Cloud Resolver Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Cloud Resolver

Cloud API access requirements

The platform that has Cloud Resolver installed must be able to access the following cloud API endpoints:
Note: For more information on Azure API endpoints, refer to

On-premises deployments

If you are deploying Cloud Resolver on a local host, you must configure the following components to ensure that Cloud Resolver can provide unidirectional DNS resolution for on-premises clients to the cloud infrastructure:
  1. Create a Service Principal (SP) associated with each remote tenant within the tenant's Azure Active Directory (AAD) infrastructure. For more information, refer to
  2. For each SP, assign the following access rights within the tenant AAD:
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/read
    • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/privateDnsZoneLinks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/ALL/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/recordsets/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/read
    Note: If you are storing client secrets in Azure vault, you must also add the following access right:
    • Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/read
  3. For each SP, generate a valid Client Secret for use by Cloud Resolver.
    Note: Storage for the Client Secrets can be cloud-based or within another vault application. Currently, Cloud Resolver only supports HashiCorp Vault as a non cloud-based vault.

Microsoft Azure deployments

If you are deploying Cloud Resolver within Azure, you must configure the following:
  1. Create a custom AAD role in Azure.
  2. Assign the following permissions to the AAD role:
    • Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read
    • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/privateDnsZoneLinks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/ALL/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/recordsets/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/read
    Note: If you are storing client secrets in Azure vault, you must also add the following access right:
    • Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/read

    For more information on configuring Managed Identities, refer to

  3. Add the role assignment to the Managed Identity.
  4. Assign the Managed Identity to the platform where Cloud Resolver is installed.
  5. Create an Application Registration for Cloud Resolver in each remote tenant to discover and resolve queries for data located in remote tenants or subscriptions.
  6. Generate a Client Secret for each Application. The Client Secret will be stored either in Azure Vault or HashiCorp Vault.
  7. In the remote tenant AAD, create an App Role for the Application with Allowed Member type set to Applications
  8. In the remote tenant, create a Custom Role for Cloud Resolver with the following permissions:
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/read
    • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/privateDnsZoneLinks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/ALL/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/recordsets/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/read
    • Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateDnsZoneGroups/read
    • Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read
  9. In the remote tenant, create a Role Assignment for the Service Principal and the Application Role.