Upgrading the Cloud Resolver Docker image - BlueCat Cloud Resolver - 1.7.2

BlueCat Cloud Resolver Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Cloud Resolver

The following section outlines the steps to upgrade your Cloud Resolver instance on a system with Docker installed.

Before you begin:

The following actions must be performed prior to installing the updated Cloud Resolver Docker image:
  1. Stop the Cloud Resolver container by running the following command:
    docker stop <cloud_resolver_container_name>
  2. Remove the Cloud Resolver container by running the following command:
    docker rm <cloud_resolver_container_name>

Once you have removed the old Cloud Resolver container, you can proceed to install the updated Cloud Resolver container.

To install the Cloud Resolver Docker image:
  1. From the Linux console of a host machine with internet access, log in to your Quay account using the following command:
    docker login quay.io
  2. At the prompt, enter your Quay user name and password.
  3. Pull the latest Cloud Resolver image using the following command:
    docker pull quay.io/bluecat/cloud_resolver:1.7.2
  4. Run the Cloud Resolver image using the following command:
    docker run -d \
    -p 53:53 \
    -p 53:53/udp
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 8090:8090 \
    -p 9000:9000 \
    -p 9050:9050 \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    --name <cloud_resolver_container_name> \
    -v <path_to_local_snapshots_directory>:/var/lib/bluecat \
    -v <path_to_local_cloud_resolver_config_file>:/etc/cloud-resolver/cloud-resolver.conf:ro \
    • -d indicates that the container runs in the background so that you can continue to interact with the host after the container has started.
    • -p indicates the ports that are exposed from the container to the host. The value on the left of the colon (:) represents the host port and the value on the right of the colon is the container port.

      For more information on the description of port usage, refer to the "Network requirements" section of Prerequisites.

    • --name <cloud_resolver_container_name> indicates the name of the Cloud Resolver container.
    • -v define the host volumes that mapped to the container. The volumes are as follows:
      • -v <path_to_local_snapshots_directory>:/var/lib/bluecat represents the directory where Cloud Resolver will automatically write snapshots of what has been discovered. BlueCat recommends mapping a host volume to the container volume to ensure that the snapshots can be accessed if the container is stopped or restarted. By default, the snapshots are stored in the /var/lib/bluecat directory on the container; however, this can be modified using the CRS_SNAPSHOT_PATH parameter in the Cloud Resolver configuration file.
        Attention: Cloud Resolver generates a unique ID value for each Cloud Resolver instance and saves the information within the /var/lib/bluecat directory. This is used to indicate the Cloud Resolver instance in the DNS Edge UI. If the unique ID file is not available or preserved, Cloud Resolver generates a new ID upon each start-up and it will be displayed as a new Cloud Resolver instance in the Edge UI.

        If you modify the Cloud Resolver snapshot path, you must ensure that you have mapped the host volume to the correct snapshot directory in Cloud Resolver. Additionally, you must define a different docker volume mount to the /var/lib/bluecat directory to ensure that the unique ID value is preserved.

      • -v <path_to_local_cloud_resolver_config_file>:/etc/cloud-resolver/cloud-resolver.conf:ro represents the directory where the Cloud Resolver configuration file is located. When mapped, the local Cloud Resolver configuration file contains the contents of the container Cloud Resolver configuration file. For more information on the Cloud Resolver configuration file, refer to Creating the Cloud Resolver configuration file.

        BlueCat recommends mapping a host volume to the container volume to ensure that the Cloud Resolver configuration file can be accessed if the container is stopped or restarted. By default, the configuration file is stored in the /etc/cloud-resolver/cloud-resolver.conf directory on the container.

    • quay.io/bluecat/cloud_resolver:1.7.2 represents the Quay repository location where the Docker image is pulled.

    For example:

    docker run -d \
    -p 53:53 \
    -p 53:53/udp
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 8090:8090 \
    -p 9000:9000 \
    -p 9050:9050 \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    --name bluecat_cloud_resolver \
    -v /home/user/cloud-resolver/snapshots:/var/lib/bluecat \
    -v /home/user/cloud-resolver/cloud-resolver.conf:/etc/cloud-resolver/cloud-resolver.conf:ro \