DNS Zone Permissions settings - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2.4

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The Permissions section of the DNS Zones tab lets you view and manage permissions for the zone. Within the DNS Zones tab, click the Permissions list to expand it.

From the Permissions section, you can:

To add a permission:

  1. If you haven't already done so, open Distributed DDNS and go to the DNS Zone Permissions section. (Click the Navigator button in the top left corner and click Distributed DDNS. Then click the DNS Zones tab and expand Permissions.)

  2. Click New.

  3. Select one of the following permission types:

    • Active Directory Domain Controller Updates: Allows or Denies GSS-TSIG updates from Active Directory (AD) Domain Controllers.

    • Secure Client Updates: Allows or Denies host name updates using GSS-TSIG.

    • Creator Owned GSS-TSIG Records: Allows or Denies other GSS-TSIG updates that are not from Active Directory and are not a host name update.

    • Update to Name: Allows or Denies a specific identity to update a name.

    Note: Only one each of the Active Directory Domain Controller Updates, Secure Client Updates, and Creator Owned GSS-TSIG Records permissions can appear in the list at a time.

    For more details on each permission type, see Details of DNS Zone Permission types.

  4. Select Allow or Deny to allow or deny the specific permission.

  5. Enter or edit any additional details specific to the the selected permission type.

    For more information and a list of settings for each type of permission, see Details of DNS Zone Permission types.

  6. Click Save to save the permission changes.

To edit or manage a permission:

Several permissions require additional configuration to specify the details of how and when they should be applied. To edit these details:

  1. If you haven't already done so, open Distributed DDNS and go to the DNS Zone Permissions section. (Click the Navigator button in the top left corner and click Distributed DDNS. Then click the DNS Zones tab and expand Permissions.)
  2. In the list of permissions, click the permission that you want to edit.

    Note: The Secure Client Updates permission is a simple Allow/Deny permission and requires no additional configuration.
  3. Configure or edit the permission details as needed.

    For more information on each permission and the details you can change, see Details of DNS Zone Permission types.

To reorder permissions in the list:

Permissions are applied in the order in which they appear in they appear in the UI. You can change the order of permissions to make sure that specific permissions are applied before others.

  1. If you haven't already done so, open Distributed DDNS and go to the DNS Zone Permissions section. (Click the Navigator button in the top left corner and click Distributed DDNS. Then click the DNS Zones tab and expand Permissions.)

  2. Click the name of the permission that you want to move.

  3. Click the up arrow to move a permission up, earlier in priority.

  4. Click the down arrow to move a permission down, later in priority.

To delete permissions:

If you no longer require a permission, you can delete it.

  1. If you haven't already done so, open Distributed DDNS and go to the DNS Zone Permissions section. (Click the Navigator button in the top left corner and click Distributed DDNS. Then click the DNS Zones tab and expand Permissions.)

  2. Select the checkbox next to the permissions that you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete to delete the selected permissions.