Before you configure the data node information in the Distributed DDNS Application Node,
ensure that you have at least one data node deployed. For more information on deploying
data nodes, refer to Deploying Distributed DDNS Data Nodes on a BDDS.
Service status
Under each service, a setting icon appears with a colour that indicates the status of that service. The status of each service is monitored by the Distributed DDNS UI every 3 minutes, meaning that it can take up to 3 minutes for the actual status to appear in the UI.
Status | Icon Displayed |
Started | |
Stopped | |
Unknown/Error | |
Starting | |
Stopping |
Configuring services on the data node
- MariaDB—manages the database backup service of the database node.
- Auto Backup—manages the backup service that is automatically run on one of the database nodes. The service backs up the database periodically using the backup settings configured in Configuration information. If the data node is shut down, the service is started on another data node in the cluster automatically.
- Auto Scavenging—manages the scavenging service that is automatically run on one of the database nodes. The service removes stale resource records from the database and DNS server periodically using the aging and scavenging settings configured in the Configuration section of the DNS Zone or Reverse DNS pages. If the data node is shut down, the service is started on another data node in the cluster automatically.
- Disk Monitor—manages the disk monitoring service that runs on each data node. If the used disk space on a node exceeds 95%, the service turns off the Enable Logging Update Records in the Configuration tab. When this setting is turned off, the Distributed DDNS service does not write new DNS updates to the database.
- Sync Data—manages the service that synchronizes
Address Manager information to the Distributed DDNS database. If the data
node is shut down, the service is started on another data node in the
cluster automatically. The following information in synchronized:
- Synchronizes Address Manager replication information to the Distributed DDNS database. If an Address Manager failover occurs and the IP address of the primary server changes, the service detects the change and updates configuration information to use the IP address of the new primary server. By default, the service checks for changes every minutes.
- Synchronizes the Address Manager zone information, such as DNS servers and TSIG keys, to the Distributed DDNS database. By default, the service checks for changes every 30 seconds.
Click the service status icon within the column of a service opens the service configuration page. Within the service configuration page, you can add details related to that service.
- Service name: The name of the service that you are configuring.
- Service action: Actions that can be performed on the
- Start: Start the service. This field is disabled when the service is started.
- Stop: Stop the service. This field is disabled when the service is stopped.
- Refresh Log: Refresh the log information.
- Service configuration: Enter the configuration
information for that service.Note: You can only edit the configuration information when the service is stopped.
- View Log: Display the last 1000 lines of the log
information for a service.
- On the View Log tab, you can select the log level to specify the type of logging content to display.
- You can click the Refresh Log button to reload the log content.
Adding a data node
- Click
to add a new data node.
- In the Name field, enter the name of the data node. This name must be unique and does not correspond to the docker container name of the Distributed DDNS Data Node.
- In the IPv4 Address field, enter the IPv4 address of the data node.
- In the IPv6 Address field, enter the IPv6 address of the data node.
- Click Add to add the data node to the Distributed DDNS Application Node.
Updating a data node configuration
- Click the name of an existing data node.
- In the Name field, enter the updated of the data node. This name must be unique and does not correspond to the docker container name of the Distributed DDNS Data Node.
- In the IPv4 Address field, enter the updated IPv4 address of the data node.
- In the IPv6 Address field, enter the updated IPv6 address of the data node.
- Click Save to save the updated settings.
Deleting a data node configuration
- Click the row of a service node that you wish to delete.
- Click
to delete the selected data node. A window appears confirming that you would like to delete the database node.
Note: If the Distributed DDNS Application Node cannot connect to the database node, you can forcefully remove the node by selecting the override option. - Click OK to confirm the data node deletion.
Downloading data node diagnostic data
You can download all configuration and log files by clicking next to the data node.