Deploying Distributed DDNS Data Nodes on a BDDS - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 21.3

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The following section provides steps to installing multiple Distributed DDNS Data Nodes on BDDS.

Before you begin

The Distributed DDNS Data Nodes establish a database cluster. Ensure that the following ports are not in use on the BDDS that will be hosting the Distributed DDNS Data Node:
Attention: By default, the ports are opened on the firewall of the DNS/DHCP Server upon deployment of the Distributed DDNS Data Node. If you are deploying on different networks, ensure that the ports are open on your routers between the database nodes for communication between nodes.
  • Standard database service port (port 3306): Used for database client connections and State Snapshot Transfers.
  • Replication port (port 4567): Used for cluster replication traffic. Multicast replication uses both UDP and TCP on this port.
  • IST port (port 4568): Used for Incremental State Transfers (IST).
  • SST port (port 4444): Used for all State Snapshot Transfers (SST).
  • Port 4920: Used for the API service running on the data node.
If you install the Distributed DDNS Data Node on the same BDDS as the Distributed DDNS Application Node, you must manually add firewall rules on the BDDS using the following commands:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
  • The BDDS that are to operate as a Distributed DDNS Data Node must be under Address Manager control.
  • BlueCat Gateway must have access to the configuration name and view name in Address Manager that contains the BDDS that are to operate as a Distributed DDNS Data Node. To allow access to the configuration name and view name:
    1. Log in to the Distributed DDNS Application Node user interface.
    2. Navigate to BlueCat Gateway Administration > Configurations > General Configuration.
    3. Select the BAM Settings tab.
    4. Set the Default Configuration and Default View to the configuration and view that contains the BDDS.

Installing the first node of the cluster

When installing the first node of the cluster, you must specify that you are creating a new Distributed DDNS Data Node cluster. Once you have specified this in the installation, subsequent node installations can connect to the existing cluster.

  1. Log in to the UI of the Distributed DDNS Application Node.
  2. Select the DDNS Deployment tab.
  3. Select the name of a server. If there are no BDDS names populated in the list, ensure that you have correctly configured the settings outlined in the Prerequisites section.
  4. In the Service Type section, select Database Node.
  5. In the General section, enter the following information:
    • Authentication Type—select the method of authentication. You can select Password or SSH Key.
      If you select Password, enter the following information:
      • SSH Username—enter the username that will be used to SSH to the BDDS.
      • SSH Password—enter the password that will be used to SSH to the BDDS.
      If you select SSH, enter the following information:
      • SSH Username—enter the username of the root or non-root user. If entering a non-root username, it must also be added to the /etc/sudoers file. You can use the following commands to add non-root username to the file:
        sudo visudo
        <non-root_username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
      • SSH Private Key—enter the SSH private key produced using the ssh-keyden command. Ensure that the corresponding public key is available on the destination server using the following commands:
        ssh-copy-id -i <public_key_file> <remote_user>@<remote_server>
      • Key Passphrase—enter the key passphrase if one was used when generating the SSH key pair.
    • Database Cluster—enter the name of the database cluster. This information is used during the deployment of other nodes in the database cluster.
    • Database Password—enter the password for the default user of the database cluster. By default, the password is ddns_admin. This information is used during the deployment of other nodes in the database cluster.
  6. In the Repository section, enter the following information:
    • Image—enter
    • Username—enter your Quay username.
    • Password—enter your Quay password.
  7. Click Deploy.

The deployment process proceeds to pulls the docker image and install it locally. Once the first node has been deployed, refresh the browser to ensure that the node has been successfully deployed.

Repeat the previous steps to deploy additional Data Nodes to the cluster.

Note: Before deploying other nodes in the cluster, ensure that the first node has successfully initialized.
  • If you reboot your BDDS, the Distributed DDNS Data Node containers are not automatically started after the BDDS comes back up. You must manually start the Distributed DDNS Data Node containers in the correct order. For more information, refer to Recovering the Distributed DDNS Data Node database cluster.
  • Once you've installed the Distributed DDNS Data Nodes, you must change the root password of the database service cluster.
  • If the nodes do you appear in the Distributed DDNS Application Node UI after you have added them, you must disable caching in Gateway. For more information on disabling caching, refer to the 'Configuring caching policies' section of the BlueCat Gateway Administration Guide.

Data Node container information

The following section contains information about the Data Node container deployment.

Data Node container name

The Data Node container name includes the database cluster name and the IP address of the node in the following format: <db-cluster-name>_node_<db-ip-address>. For example, test_node_192.168.1.1

Data Node container network

The Data Node container uses the Docker host network.

Data Node container volumes

When you deploy the Data Node container, the following volumes are created to persist data on the host DNS/DHCP Server:
  • mariadb-config: contains the configuration files of the MariaDB server. This helps persist the configuration files from the Docker container to the host machine.
  • mariadb-data: contains the database files. This helps persist the database data from the Docker container to the host machine.
  • mariadb-backup: contains the backup files. This helps persist the backup files from the Docker container to the host machine.
  • daemon-config: contains the configuration files of configuration daemons that run on the Data Node.
  • dbssl-config: contains the SSL certificates and keys of the API server on the MariaDB server.