Distributed DDNS REST API endpoints - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2.4

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway
BlueCat Distributed DDNS includes an extensive set of REST API endpoints that let you retrieve information and configure the Adaptive Application. You can view the latest REST API Swagger documentation by entering the following URL in your browser:
http://<Gateway hostname or IP>/distributed-ddns/ddns-application/api/v1/swagger

From this page, you can view a list of all supported API methods, their input parameters, and test the API methods. The Swagger documentation also includes an extensive list of Schema templates.

The REST API uses four main HTTP methods for interacting with different objects:
HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve data
POST Upload data
PUT Update data, replacing the entire resource
DELETE Delete data
PATCH Patch data, replacing specific fields of a resource

Accessing the endpoints

To access a REST API endpoint, append the API endpoint to the BlueCat Gateway URL:

http://<Gateway hostname or IP>/distributed-ddns/ddns-application/api/v1/<API endpoint>
. For example, the following GET API call retrieves the DDDNS backup history for a DDDNS at IP address

List of DDDNS API endpoints

Endpoint Description
GET .../anycast-vips Get the Anycast VIP collection
POST .../anycast-vips Create an Anycast VIP object.
DELETE .../anycast-vips Delete an Anycast VIP object.
GET .../configurations/bam-config

Get the Address Manager configuration.

POST .../configurations/bam-config Save the Address Manager configuraiton.
PUT .../configurations/bam-config Update the Address Manager configuration.
GET .../configurations/data-config Get the database settings.
POST .../configurations/data-config Create database settings.
PUT .../configurations/data-config Update the database settings.
DELETE .../configurations/data-config Delete the database settings.
GET .../configurations/backup-history Get the collection of backup history entries.
DELETE .../configurations/backup-history/{backup_id} Delete backup history.
GET .../configurations/datbase-connections Get a collection of database connections
PUT .../configurations/database-connections/{db_node_addr} Switch to a different database connection.
Aging and scavenging
GET .../aging-scavenging/aging-config Get the cluster-wide aging settings.
POST .../aging-scavenging/aging-config Create the cluster-wide aging settings.
PUT .../aging-scavenging/aging-config Update the cluster-wide aging settings.
DELETE .../aging-scavenging/aging-config/{setting_data_id} Delete the cluster-wide aging settings.
GET .../aging-scavenging/scavenging-by-types Get the collection of scavenging-by-type jobs.
POST .../aging-scavenging/scavenging-by-types Create one or more scavenging-by-type jobs.
PUT .../aging-scavenging/scavenging-by-types Update one or more scavenging-by-type jobs.
DELETE .../aging-scavenging/scavenging-by-types/{record_type_name} Delete a scavenging-by-type job.
GET .../aging-scavenging/scavenging-by-types/{record_type_name} Get the details of a scavenging-by-type job.
POST .../aging-scavenging/scavenging-by-types/{record_type_name}/scavenging Run a scavenging-by-type job now.
Application version
GET .../app-version Get the current version of the application.
BlueCat DNS/DHCP Servers (BDDS)
GET .../bdds-servers Get the BDDS server collection.
POST .../bdds-servers/{bam_server_id}/deployment Deploy the DDDNS service to a BDDS server.
PUT .../bdds-servers/{bam_server_id}/upgrading Upgrade the DDDNS service on a BDDS server.
PUT .../bdds-servers/{bam_server_id}/upgrading/db-schema Upgrade the database schema on a BDDS server.
Resource records (RR)
GET .../resource-records Get the collection of resource records.
PUT .../resource-records Update one or more resource records.
DELETE .../resource-records/history Delete old resource records.
DELETE .../resource-records/scavenging Scavenge records.
GET.../resource-records/{rr_id} Get a specific resource record.
GET.../resource-records/{rr_id}/history Get the history for a specific resource record.
GET.../resource-records/{rr_id}/permissions Get the collection of permissions for a specific resource record.
DELETE .../resource-records/{rr_id}/scavenging Delete a scavenged record.
Service nodes
GET .../service-nodes Get the collection of service nodes.
POST .../service-nodes Create a service node.
DELETE .../service-nodes/{service_node_id} Delete a service node.
GET .../service-nodes/{service_node_id} Get the details of a service node.
PUT .../service-nodes/{service_node_id} Update a service node.
GET .../service-nodes/{service_node_id}/diagnostics Get the service node diagnostics bundle.
GET .../service-nodes/{service_node_id}/services Get the collection of services for a service node.
GET .../service-nodes/{service_node_id}/services/{service_id} Get one service from a service node.
PUT .../service-nodes/{service_node_id}/services/{service_id} Update a service from a service node.
GET .../service-nodes/{service_node_id}/services/{service_id}/config-file Get the configuration of a service from a service node.
GET .../service-nodes/{service_node_id}/services/{service_id}/logging Get the service log of a service from a service node.
TSIG keys
GET .../tsig-keys Get the collection of TSIG keys.
GET .../tsig-keys/{tsig-key} Get a specific TSIG key.
GET .../zones Get the collection of zones.
POST .../zones Add a new zone.
DELETE .../zones/{zone_id} Remove a zone.
GET .../zones/{zone_id} Get a specific zone.
PUT .../zones/{zone_id} Update a zone.
GET .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/creator-owned-records Get the creator-owned records collection.
POST .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/creator-owned-records Create one or more creator-owned records.
PUT .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/creator-owned-records Update one or more creator-owned records.
DELETE .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/creator-owned-records/record-name/{rr_name}/record-type/{rr_type} Delete a specific creator-owned record.
GET .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/creator-owned-records/record-name/{rr_name}/record-type/{rr_type} Get a specific creator-owned record.
GET .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/managed-domain-controllers Get the collection of managed domain controllers.
POST .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/managed-domain-controllers Create a managed domain controller.
DELETE .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/managed-domain-controllers Delete a managed domain controller.
PUT .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id}/managed-domain-controllers Update a managed domain controller.
GET .../zones/{reverse_zone_id}/secured_domains Get the collection of secured domains from the reverse lookup zone.
PUT .../zones/{reverse_zone_id}/secured_domains Update the list of secured domains in the reverse lookup zone.
GET .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions Get the collection of permissions for a zone.
POST .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions Add a permission to a zone.
DELETE .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id} Delete a permission for a zone.
GET .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id} Get a specific permission for a zone.
PUT .../zones/{zone_id}/permissions/{permission_id} Update a specific permission for a zone.