The following instructions summarize how to apply minor patch updates to systems with installations of BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) that connect to BlueCat DNS/DHCP Servers (BDDS) that are running Distribted DDNS.
Upgrade steps differ slightly depending on whether you're applying a major update (such as from BAM/BDDS 9.3.x to BAM/BDDS 9.5.x), a minor update (such as from BAM/BDDS 9.5.0 to BAM/BDDS 9.5.1), or a Hotfix (where the version number does not necessarily change).
When performing a minor upgrade of Integrity, you'll perform the following steps:
Apply the BDDS update to the BDDS running the Distributed DDNS Application Node.
Apply the BDDS update to the BDDSes running Distributed DDNS Data Nodes, one at a time.
Apply the BDDS update to the BDDS running the Distributed DDNS Service Node.
1. Apply the minor Integrity update to BlueCat Address Manager (BAM)
Update BAM using instructions on the patch's Release Notes PDF document. You can find links to both the patch download and the release note PDF in the announcement article on the BlueCat Care Community website.
The file names of Integrity patch release note PDFs match the file names of the patch
itself. Patch files and release note PDFs for BlueCat Address Manager (BAM) both
begin with "bam". For example, the release notes PDF for the Integrity 9.5.1 patch
for BlueCat Address Manager is bam_update_9.5.1-049.bcn_amd64.pdf
(There is a separate Integrity 9.5.1 patch for BlueCat DNS/DHCP Servers
No additional steps are required when updating BAM used with a Distributed DDNS system. However, it is important to fully install the patch update to BAM before applying it to BDDSes on the Distributed DDNS network. Make sure that BAM is running on the new version before moving on to the BDDSes (see below).
2. Apply the Integrity update to each BlueCat DNS/DHCP Server (BDDS)
When BlueCat Address Manager is running in the new version, you can move on to apply the patch to the BDDSes in your Distributed DDNS network. When applying the Integrity patch to each BDDS, you must do so in the following order:
The Distributed DDNS Application Node
The Distributed DDNS Data Nodes (one by one)
The Distributed DDNS Service Node
To apply the update to a BDDS node:
Determine the next target BDDS node you need to update.
You must update BDDS on the Application Node, then on each Data Node one by one, then on the Service Node, in that order.
CAUTION:While you must apply the BDDS update to the Application Node before the Data Nodes, it does not matter which Data Node you update first. However, you must update only one Data Node at a time. Do not try to apply the update to multiple data nodes simultaneously.If you are updating the Application Node: From BlueCat Address Manager (BAM), in the Servers page, stop the DDNS Application Node:
In BAM, if you haven't done so already, select the appropriate Configuration in the Configuration drop-down menu.
Select the Servers tab.
Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so click the tab again to make sure you're on the Configuration information page.
Under Servers, click the name of the BDDS with the DDNS Application Node.
In the Details window, do the following:
In the server name menu, select Service Configuration.
In Service Type, select BlueCat Gateway.
In General Settings, clear the Enable Gateway Service checkbox.
Click Update. The Gateway Service is disabled and the Application Node is stopped.
Under Change Control, add comments if you want, then click Yes.
Click Yes.
If you are updating a Data Node: Switch any connections to the target Data Node (that you want to update) to use other Data Nodes.
If you are updating a Data Node: Do the following:
Switch any connections to the target Data Node (that you want to update) to use other Data Nodes.
Make sure that the target BDDS is isolated from the Production environment so that no DNS/DHCP update messages can be sent to it.
If you are updating a Data Node or the Service Node: Do the following:
From a console window on the node that you're updating, stop the docker container.
For a Data Node, use the following command to stop the container gracefully, giving the MariaDB process time to properly close:
For a Service Node, use the following command:docker stop -t 90 <Data Node container name>
docker stop <Service Node container name>
Where the
Node container name
is the name of the docker container for the Data Node that you're currently updating.
From BlueCat Address Manager (BAM), in the Servers page, apply the BDDS update to the target node:
If you haven't done so already, select the appropriate Configuration in the Configuration drop-down menu.
Select the Servers tab.
Under Server, select the check box of the BDDS server for the node that you're currently upgrading.
Important: Select only one server. When applying BDDS patches to a Distributed DDNS system, do not upgrade multiple servers at the same time.Click Action and select Apply Patch.
Under Available Patches, select the BDDS patch for the new patch release.
Since BAM was already upgraded to the patch release, the corresponding BDDS patch should already appear in the list of Available BlueCat DNS/DHCP Server Patches.
Under Change Control, add comments if you want, then click Yes.
Click Yes.
Wait until the upgrade finishes. The BDDS might reboot while applying the update. Do not continue to the next step until the BDDS is running with the new version.
You can monitor the status of an update from the Servers tab in Address Manager. Under Server, select the check box for the BDDS that you're upgrading, click Action, then click Server Upgrade Status.
For more details, see Viewing the upgrade status in the Address Manager Administration Guide.
If you are updating the Application Node: From BlueCat Address Manager (BAM), in the Servers page, restart the node:
In BAM, if you haven't done so already, select the appropriate Configuration in the Configuration drop-down menu.
Select the Servers tab.
Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so click the tab again to make sure you're on the Configuration information page.
Under Servers, click the name of the BDDS node you just upgraded.
In the Details window, do the following:
In the server name menu, select Service Configuration.
In Service Type, select BlueCat Gateway.
In General Settings, tick the Enable Gateway Service checkbox.
Note: Previously, you cleared this checkbox to stop the service. This time, you tick it.Click Update. The Gateway Service is disabled and the node is restarted.
If you are updating a Data Node or the Service Node: Restart the docker service and container as follows:
Restart the docker service:
systemctl restart docker
From a console window on the Data Node you're updating, restart the docker container. You can use the following command:
docker start <docker container name>
Where <docker container name> is the name of the docker container for the target BDDS.
If you are updating a Data Node, wait for it to successfully join the cluster before upgrading other data notes.
You can now repeat these instructions to apply the patch for the next BDDS node.
If you just upgraded the Application node, you can now proceed to upgrade the first Data Node. Upgrade each Data Node one by one. After you upgrade the last Data Node, you can upgrade the Service Node.