Updating the Distributed DDNS Service Node - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 21.3

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Before you begin

You must stop the DDNS receiver and isolate it from a production environment to ensure that no additional messages are sent during the upgrade. This can be done from the Distributed DDNS Application Node UI. For more information, refer to Service Node information. You can also stop the process using the following command:
docker exec <ddns_container_name> supervisorctl stop ddns_receiver:*
You must also ensure that there are no messages in the queue to be processed. You can verify this using the following command:
docker exec <ddns_container_name> rabbitmqctl list_queues -p ddns_vhost

When the DDNS receiver service is stopped, there are typically no messages in the Queue. If there are any messages in the queue, the processor log should be checked for additional information.

Performing the DDNS service update

  1. Log in to the console of the BDDS of the service node.
  2. Load the Distributed DDNS Service Node image using the following command:
    docker load -i <node_tar_file>

    If you do not have the image saved locally, you can use the docker pull command to pull the image from Quay.

  3. Delete the Distributed DDNS Service Node from the Service Node page. For more information, refer to Service Node information.
  4. Stop and remove the old Distributed DDNS Service Node container from the BDDS by running the following commands:
    docker stop <ddns_container_name>
    docker rm <ddns_container_name>
    Attention: Ensure that you do not remove any Docker volumes created by the old Distributed DDNS Service Node container. Verify that the quagga_config, quagga_log, ddns_config, ddns_log, control_config, control_log, rabbit_data, rabbit_config, rabbit_log, and ssl_config volumes are still available on the BDDS by running the following command:
    docker volume ls
  5. Deploy the updated Distributed DDNS Service Node image through the Address Manager UI. For more information, refer to Deploying Distributed DDNS Service Nodes on a BDDS.
  6. Verify that the node has successfully started by running the following commands:
    • Check the DDNS receiver log:
      docker exec <ddns_container_name> tail -f /var/log/distributed_ddns/receiver.log
    • Check the DDNS processor log:
      docker exec <ddns_container_name> tail -f /var/log/distributed_ddns/processor.log

    You can also view the Distributed DDNS Service Node log information from the Distributed DDNS Application Node UI. For more information, refer to Service Node information.

    To verify that the update was successful, check the status of the DDNS Receiver, DDNS Processor, and Queue Service on the Distributed DDNS Application Node.