Upgrading Distributed DDNS with all three nodes on a single BDDS - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2.3

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

It is possible to install all three nodes of a Distributed DDNS system on the same BDDS. (That is, the Application Node, a single Data Node, and the Service Node.) This is sometimes called a "3-on-1" system. Upgrading such as system requires some additional steps.

Note: While you can install all three types of Distributed DDNS nodes on the same server or BDDS, BlueCat recommends that they be deployed to separate BDDSes for security and resilience.
Important: When upgrading to Distributed DDNS v23.2.3, you must apply Distributed DDNS patches in sequential order. That is, if you're upgrading from v23.1, you must apply the update for v23.2 to all components, then the updates for v23.2.1, v23.2.2, and 23.2.3, in that order. Do not skip patch versions.

When upgrading a 3-on-1 Distributed DDNS system, you must upgrade the components in the following order:

  1. Distributed DDNS Application node

    The upgraded Application node will be used to upgrade the rest of the Distributed DDNS system.

  2. Distributed DDNS Database cluster

  3. Distributed DDNS Database schema

  4. Distributed DDNS Service nodes

Some general guidelines:

  • Make sure that no messages are being processed during the upgrade.

  • A 3-on-1 system has a database cluster of only 1 node. As such, a rolling upgrade is not possible. The Database service will not be available during the upgrade.

    The time it takes to upgrade the Database cluster depends on the size of the database. If you have a large database, we recommend upgrading during off-peak hours.

  • BlueCat recommends backing up your database before any upgrade. For more details, see Backing up the database.

1. Upgrade the Application Node

  1. Stop the Application Node as follows:

    1. In BAM, if you haven't done so already, select the appropriate Configuration in the Configuration drop-down menu.

    2. Select the Servers tab.

      Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so click the tab again to make sure you're on the Configuration information page.

    3. Under Servers, click the name of the BDDS with the DDNS Application Node.

    4. In the Details window, do the following:

      • In the server name menu, select Service Configuration.

      • In Service Type, select BlueCat Gateway.

      • In General Settings, clear the Enable Gateway Service checkbox.

      • Click Update. The Gateway Service is disabled and the Application Node is stopped.

  2. Upgrade the Distributed DDNS Application Node.

    Follow the regular instructions for installing the updated Distributed DDNS Application Node: Updating the Distributed DDNS Application Node. Make sure that you enter the Tag for the updated version in the Repository Settings.

    Important: After you upgrade the Application Node, upgrade the Database Cluster and Database Schema before performing other actions in the Distributed DDNS UI.

2. Upgrade the data cluster and schema

When upgrading nodes that are hosted on the same BDDS, you can upgrade the Data Cluster after you upgrade the Application node.

To upgrade the Data Cluster:

  1. Start the database container. To do so, use the following command:

    docker start <Database-Node-container-name>.
  2. Confirm that the database container is running. To do so, view the docker log:

    docker exec -it <Database-Node-container-name> tail -f /var/log/mysql/mariadb.err
  3. From the Distributed DDNS UI on the newly-upgraded Application Node, confirm that the Application Node is connected to the database.

    If the Application Node is not connected, this is typically because the number of failed attempts were exceeded. Restart the Application node, using the following command:

    docker restart gateway_gw
  4. When the Application Node is successfully connected to the database, you can upgrade the Data Cluster as follows:

    1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the DDNS Deployment tab.

    2. In the BDDS Servers list, locate the BDDS that you're upgrading.

      The Deployed column for the BDDS will have both a green Database node upgrade arrow and a blue up Service node upgrade arrow.

    3. Click the green (Database) upgrade arrow for the target BDDS. The Upgrade Database Node window opens.

    4. Enter the following:

      1. In the Authentication section, select either Password or SSH Key and provide the relevant authentication details.

      2. Under Repository, enter the following:
        • In Image, enter the default URL for the database Docker image

        • If the DDNS image for the upgrade is located on Quay or a private repository, in User and Password, enter your Quay or local repository username and password.

          You do not need to do this if you already transferred the docker image file to the machine.

      3. When you're done, click Upgrade.

        The system performs several validation checks throughout the upgrade process, displaying any reported errors and success messages.

        Periodically, you will be asked to confirm the following information:

        • Check the current status of the Database Nodes in the database cluster, such as the total number of nodes and number of primary nodes.
        • Check the external client connections to the Database Node and show all client IP addresses.
        • Check the internal connections within the Database Node and display their process IDs.
        Tip: Close the Upgrade window and refresh the DDNS Deployment tab to view the current status of the node.
    5. Before updating the Database Schema, wait for the Data Cluster to successfully start and the Data Node to finish synchronizing.

      To confirm that synchnronization is complete, you can check the Data Node's MariaDB logs. Within the Distributed DDNS UI, click the Database Nodes tab. In the row for the target BDDS, click the gear icon under the MariaDB column to view the relevant logs.

2. Upgrade the database schema

When upgrading nodes that are hosted on the same BDDS, you can upgrade the Database Schema after you upgrade the Data Cluster.

To upgrade the Database Schema:

  1. Make sure that the DDNS Data Node's Auto Backup, Auto Scavenge, and Sync Data services are running. To check this:

    1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the Database Nodes tab (if it's not already displayed).

    2. In the row for the target BDDS, look at the gear icons below each of the Auto Backup, Auto Scavenge, and Sync Data columns. They should all be green.

      If any of those gear icons are red (instead of green), click the red gear icon, then click Start to start that service.

  2. Upgrade the Database Schema for the Data Node on the Target BDDS. To do so:

    1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the DDNS Deployment tab.

    2. In the BDDS Servers list, locate the BDDS that you're upgrading.

    3. In the Deployed column for the BDDS, click the green schema icon (with an up arrow).

      Confirm the upgrade operation when prompted.

    4. Wait for the schema upgrade to complete. (To see the latest status of the DDNS Deployment tab, refresh the browser page.)

      When the schema upgrade is complete, you can upgrade the Service Node on the BDDS.

  3. Before upgrading the Service Node, isolate the target BDDS server so that no update messages can be sent to it. (Or, simply stop the server node completely: Click the Service Nodes tab, click the gear icon under the DDNS Receiver column for the BDDS, and click Stop.) Confirm that there are no queued messages before continuing.

    If there are queued messages, resolve them. Check the processor log for more details.

  4. Upgrade the Service Node on the BDDS as follows:

    1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the DDNS Deployment tab.

    2. In the BDDS Servers list, locate the BDDS that you're upgrading.

    3. Click the blue (Service) upgrade arrow for the target BDDS. The Upgrade DDNS Node window opens.

    4. In the Authentication section, select either Password or SSH Key and provide the corresponding authentication information.

    5. Under Repository, enter the following information:
      • In Image, enter the default URL for the database Docker image.

      • In User and Password, enter your Quay or local repository username and password.

    6. Click Upgrade.

      The system performs several validation checks throughout the upgrade process, displaying any reported errors and success messages.

      Periodically, you will be asked to confirm the following information:
      • Check the current number of upgrade messages in the queue that have not been processed.

      • Check the external client connections to the Service Node and show all client IP addresses.

      • Check the outgoing connections from the Service Node and display their process IDs.

    7. After the node successfully installs the upgraded software, you can verify the upgrade status from the Service Nodes page.

      Note: After the upgrade, make sure you check that the DDNS Receiver, DDNS Processor, and Queue services started normally. If they didn't start, click the gear icon for the service on that BDDS and click Start.
    8. Make sure that the DDNS Data Node's Auto Backup, Auto Scavenge, and Sync Data services are running. To check this:

      1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the Service Nodes tab (if it's not already displayed).

      2. In the row for the target BDDS, look at the gear icons below each of the DDNS Receiver, DDNS Processor, and Queue columns. They should all be green.

        If any of those gear icons are red (instead of green), click the red gear icon, then click Start to start that service.

2. Upgrade the Service Node

When upgrading nodes that are hosted on the same BDDS, you can upgrade the Service Node after you upgrade the Data Node components (the Data Cluster and Schema).

To upgrade the Service Node:

  1. Before upgrading the Service Node, isolate the target BDDS server so that no update messages can be sent to it. (Or, simply stop the server node completely: Click the Service Nodes tab, click the gear icon under the DDNS Receiver column for the BDDS, and click Stop.) Confirm that there are no queued messages before continuing.

    If there are queued messages, resolve them. Check the processor log for more details.

  2. Upgrade the Service Node on the BDDS as follows:

    1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the DDNS Deployment tab.

    2. In the BDDS Servers list, locate the BDDS that you're upgrading.

    3. Click the blue (Service) upgrade arrow for the target BDDS. The Upgrade DDNS Node window opens.

    4. In the Authentication section, select either Password or SSH Key and provide the corresponding authentication information.

    5. Under Repository, enter the following information:
      • In Image, enter the default URL for the database Docker image.

      • In User and Password, enter your Quay or local repository username and password.

    6. Click Upgrade.

      The system performs several validation checks throughout the upgrade process, displaying any reported errors and success messages.

      Periodically, you will be asked to confirm the following information:
      • Check the current number of upgrade messages in the queue that have not been processed.

      • Check the external client connections to the Service Node and show all client IP addresses.

      • Check the outgoing connections from the Service Node and display their process IDs.

    7. After the node successfully installs the upgraded software, you can verify the upgrade status from the Service Nodes page.

      Note: After the upgrade, make sure you check that the DDNS Receiver, DDNS Processor, and Queue services started normally. If they didn't start, click the gear icon for the service on that BDDS and click Start.
    8. Make sure that the DDNS Data Node's Auto Backup, Auto Scavenge, and Sync Data services are running. To check this:

      1. In the Distributed DDNS UI, click the Service Nodes tab (if it's not already displayed).

      2. In the row for the target BDDS, look at the gear icons below each of the DDNS Receiver, DDNS Processor, and Queue columns. They should all be green.

        If any of those gear icons are red (instead of green), click the red gear icon, then click Start to start that service.