Upgrading the Distributed DDNS Service Node - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 23.2.3

BlueCat Distributed DDNS Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

After upgrading the DDNS Application Node and all DDNS Data Nodes in the data cluster to the latest version (v23.2.3), you must upgrade each DDNS Service Node in the data cluster.

Before you begin

Before upgrading the DDNS Service Node, you must stop the DDNS receiver and isolate it from a production environment to make sure that no additional messages are sent during the upgrade. You can do so from the Distributed DDNS Application Node UI. For more details, see Service Node information.

Note: While the DDNS receiver service is stopped, there should be no messages in the Queue. If there are messages in the queue, check the processor log for additional information.
Tip: After a fresh deployment, upgrade, or major configuration change in a Distributed DDNS system, the Distributed DDNS system needs time to synchronize its data among all database and service nodes. You can check the status in the database node's log messages. For more details, see Making sure that data is synchronized between Distributed DDNS nodes.

Updating the DDNS service

  1. Click the upgrade button () next to the DDNS node that you would like to upgrade.

    The Upgrade DDNS Node window opens.

  2. Within the Authentication section, select either Password or SSH Key and provide the corresponding authentication information.

  3. Under Repository, enter the following information:
    • In Image, enter the default URL for the database Docker image.

    • In User and Password, enter your Quay or local repository username and password.

  4. Click Upgrade.

    The system performs several validation checks throughout the upgrade process, displaying any reported errors and success messages.

    Periodically, you will be asked to confirm the following information:
    • Check the current number of upgrade messages in the queue that have not been processed.

    • Check the external client connections to the Service Node and show all client IP addresses.

    • Check the outgoing connections from the Service Node and display their process IDs.

After the node successfully installs the upgraded software, you can verify the upgrade status from the Service Nodes page.

If the node upgraded successfully, proceed to upgrade the next node in the cluster.

Note: After the upgrade, make sure you check that the DDNS Receiver, DDNS Processor, and Queue Service started normally.