Provision Service Point v4 on Nutanix - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge Deployment Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

This section gives detailed instructions for provisioning a Service Point v4 instance on Nutanix.

Before you begin:

  • You must be running Nutanix Acropolis v6.5.3.6 LTS or greater.
  • You must have the configuration file from when you created the Service Point v4 instance in the Edge CI. For more information, refer to Provision Service Point v4 on cloud environments.
Downloading the Service Point v4 VMDK image:
  1. Log in to the Edge Cloud Instance.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click and select Service Points (v4).
  3. Click on the Service Points (v4) page. The Download service point image window appears.

  4. From the Version menu, select the version of service point that you would like to deploy.
    Attention: Before selecting a service point version, ensure that the services that you are deploying to the service point are compatible with that version. For more information on compatibility, refer to Software support matrix.
    Note: If your Edge Cloud is deployed in an EU region, you can only provision Service Point v4.6.2 or greater.
  5. From the Images table, select name of the Nutanix image to download the Service Point v4 VMDK image.
  6. Under SHA256 checksum, click to download the Service Point v4 VMDK image checksum file or click to copy the image checksum value to your clipboard.
  7. Click Close to close the window.
Important: The VMDK file does not expire and can be used to provision a service point instance at a later point in time.

You must decode the configuration file downloaded from the BlueCat Edge console to successfully provision the service point VM. The configuration file is base64 encoded and compressed with gzip. The decoded file contains plain text, which must be copied and pasted in the Nutanix Acropolis UI when configuring the service point VM.

Provisioning the service point on Nutanix
  1. Log in to Nutanix Acropolis.
  2. Click the Gears icon and select Image Configuration.
  3. From the Image Configuration page, click Upload Image.
  4. Import the edge-service-point-<version_identifier>.vmdk file.
    Important: When importing the service point file, the Image Type must be Disk for the VMDK file.
  5. From the Settings menu, select VM > Create VM.
  6. Under Configuration, set the following parameters:
    • Name: enter the name of your service point VM.
    • Description: enter a description of your service point VM. This is optional.
    • Under Compute Details, set the following:
      • When configuring the vCPUs, select 4 vCPUs.
      • When configuring the number of cores per vCPU, select 1 core.
      • When configuring the memory, select 8GB.
  7. Under Disks, delete the default CD-ROM.
  8. Click Add New Disk and set the following parameters:
    • Type: Disk
    • Operation: Clone from Image Service
    • Image: select the service point VMDK image
    • Click Add.
  9. Configure the Network Adapter settings based on your environment.
  10. Select the Custom Script option.
  11. Select Type or Paste Script.
  12. Paste the contents of the decoded configuration file.
    Note: If you selected the Copy configuration to clipboard button after creating the service point in the Edge Cloud Instance, paste the content from the clipboard directly into the field.
  13. Click Create VM.
Attention: To ensure that your service point successfully resolves domains, you must configure DHCP option 5 so that service points can obtain the required name servers.

Once the VM has been created, you can power on the service point VM. The service point can take several minutes to come online and connect to the Edge Cloud Instance.

To assign a static IP address to the service point, refer to Modifying Service Point v4 network configurations.

Once you have provisioned the VM, you can deploy DNS resolver service. For more information, refer to DNS resolver services.

Attention: You can use the Service Point v4 telemetry APIs to verify that the Service Point v4 VM has successfully registered. The registrationStatus field within the Service Point v4 telemetry API response returns a value of REGISTERED when the Service Point v4 VM has successfully registered with the BlueCat Edge Cloud. If the value is not REGISTERED, this may indicate that there is an issue with the service point provisioning and the service point may not operate as intended.

For more information on the Service Point v4 telemetry APIs, refer to Service Point v4 Telemetry APIs.