Test the DNS resolver service - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge Deployment Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Send a few DNS queries to your Service Point to verify that it's operational. Make sure to try domains (both internal and external) that you're certain your existing DNS server can resolve. If you encounter any problems, test the same queries with your existing DNS server.

If the Service Point doesn't respond, it may still be initializing. Wait a couple of minutes and try again.

View your test DNS activity

In BlueCat Edge, select the DNS activity view.

You should see your DNS queries from the previous test

Update your network configuration

Modify the DHCP setting for DNS Servers in the test network to the Service Point's IP address. If you are using BlueCat DNS Integrity, override the setting previously found under Deployment Options, then deploy the change to your DHCP server.

DHCP clients in the network will now automatically use the Service Point for DNS service. For new DHCP clients, this will take effect immediately. Existing DHCP clients will begin to use the Service Point for DNS when their DHCP lease renews, or you can invoke a DHCP renewal on the client to make the change take effect immediately.

Static (non-DHCP) clients in the network can be manually configured to use the Service Point for DNS. For a Windows client with static network configuration (for example), specify the IP address of the Service Point in the Preferred DNS server field in the IPv4 Properties of the Network Connection