BlueCat Edge ports - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

For detailed information about BlueCat Edge system requirements, configuration, and deployment, see the BlueCat Edge Deployment Guide.

Service Point v4 port requirements:
Source IP Destination IP Source Port Destination Port Protocol Description
<Client IP> <Service Point IP> 22 Ephemeral TCP Required for SSH access.
<Service Point IP> <Namespace forwarder IP> Ephemeral 53 UDP + TCP Outbound DNS queries
<Client IP> <Service Point> Ephemeral 53 UDP + TCP Inbound DNS queries
<Service Point IP> <NTP Server IP> 123 Ephemeral UDP NTP synchronization. By default this will reach out to the following Debian NTP servers unless configured on the service point:
<Service Point IP> <Cloud Instance IP> 443 Ephemeral TCP
  • Communication channel between the service point and BlueCat Edge Cloud.

    The service point will periodically reach out to the BlueCat Edge Cloud using a mutually authenticated HTTPS connection to check for configuration updates and system upgrades.

  • Sending query logs up to kinesis for delivery to the BlueCat Edge Cloud.
  • Retrieving system updates from Amazon ECR.
<Monitoring System IP> <Service Point IP> 2021 Ephemeral TCP Diagnostics endpoint
<Monitoring System IP> <Service Point IP> 8083 Ephemeral TCP Service Point v4 telemetry APIs
<Monitoring System IP> <Service Point IP>     ICMP Pings