Configuring the DSR VIP on Service Point v3 - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

The Service Point v3 is a Unix-based operating system that runs a collection of containers. However, it doesn't provide a console to end users. The IP configuration, specifically the configuration of the VIP on the service point’s loopback interface, is done through the GuestInfo facility that VMWare provides.

Note: First, configure a static IP address on the service point. This is done regardless of whether DSR is being implemented or not. DSR doesn't work with DHCP configured Service Point v3 instances.

This is the VIP of the load balancer, also known as the service address:


This is the name of the interface, in this case, the loopback:                       lo   
guestinfo.interface.2.role                       private 

Additional information is available on the CoreOS GuestInfo page.