Custom Logging - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x
Custom logging provides the option to store all DNS queries that pass through a service point in the BlueCat Edge Cloud and/or a logging endpoint. A logging endpoint is a local endpoint in your network that can store DNS queries. You can assign a logging endpoint for each site in your network. To store all DNS queries in a local endpoint, you must first create a logging endpoint in the Custom Logging tab.
  • The local endpoint in your network must support HTTP or HTTPS.
  • The payload received from the logging endpoint is in NDJSON format.
  • Only System Administrators can create logging endpoints. Administrators can only add logging endpoints to sites.
  • System Administrators can both add a logging endpoint to one site or multiple sites. Administrators can only add a logging endpoint to one site.