DNS resolver service APIs - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x
Controls the DNS resolver service deployed to Service Point v4 instances.
Resource URL Authorization Description
/v1/api/dnsResolverServices (GET) System Admin, Admin, Policy Admin, Analyst Retrieve information about all DNS resolver services.
/v1/api/dnsResolverServices (POST) System Admin, Admin Initiates a DNS resolver service deployment on a Service Point v4 instance.
/v1/api/dnsResolverServices/{id} (GET) System Admin, Admin, Policy Admin, Analyst Retrieve information about a specific DNS resolver service.
/v1/api/dnsResolverServices/{id} (DELETE) System Admin, Admin Delete a specific DNS resolver service deployed to a Service Point v4 instance.
/v1/api/dnsResolverServices/clearCache (POST) System Admin, Admin Clear the cache of a site.
Attention: This API clears the cache of a site with DNS resolver services deployed. To clear the cache of a site with Service Point v3 instances deployed, refer to /v3/api/sites/{siteId}/clearCache (POST).