DNS resolver services - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Once you have deployed Service Point v4 VMs and configured a site, you can configure and deploy DNS resolver service on the Service Point v4 VMs so that it can consume site information and forward information to the BlueCat Edge Cloud.

Dynamic scaling of DNS resolver service resources

When DNS resolver service is deployed to a service point, the service is automatically scales to make use of the additional CPU and memory available on the service point. On service points with larger resource allocations, the DNS resolver service is stable under load with peak traffic.
Attention: The CPU and memory allocated to the DNS resolver service is set at the time of deployment. If you modify the resources available on the service point after DNS resolver service has been deployed, the CPU and memory allocation will not scale with the resource changes. To ensure that the CPU and memory allocation of DNS resolver service makes use of the resource changes, you must redeploy DNS resolver service to the service point.

Deploying DNS resolver service

  1. In the top navigation bar, click and select DNS Resolver Services.
  2. To add a new DNS resolver service, click New.
  3. Enter the name of the DNS resolver service.
  4. Enter the name of the site to which the Service Point v4 will register. As you enter the side name, they appear below the Sites field.
  5. Select the name of a Service Point v4 that will pull the DNS resolver service. After you have saved your selection, the service points appear below the Service point field.
    Attention: You can only select a service point that has not been configured with a DNS resolver service. You cannot deploy multiple DNS resolver services on the same service point.
  6. Under Service IPs, select one of the following options to bind IP addresses to the DNS resolver service:
    • Listen on all primary (IPv4 and IPv6) addresses: the DNS resolver service listens for queries on all configured primary IP addresses configured on the Service Point v4 instance.
    • Listen only on specific addresses: the DNS resolver service listens for queries on specified IP addresses. Once you select this radio button, the select the following IP addresses:
      1. Select the checkbox next to the Primary IP address to associate with the DNS resolver service.
      2. If you have configured Anycast service on the service point, select the checkbox next to the Anycast IP address to bind to the DNS resolver service.

        For more information on configuring Anycast service on the service point, refer to Configuring Anycast service on Service Point v4.

      3. If you configured any Alias IP addresses, select the checkbox next to the Aliases IP address to bind to the DNS resolver service.
      4. If you have configured DSR VIPs on the service point, select the checkbox next to the Direct server return (DSR) IP address to bind to the DNS resolver service.

        For more information on configuring DSR VIPs on the service point, refer to Configuring the DSR VIP on Service Point v4.

  7. Click Deploy.
Note: Clicking the Deploy button queues the deployment task on the associated service point and does not indicate that the DNS resolver service has been immediately deployed. The deployment process can take a few minutes to successfully complete.