Modifying Service Point v4 proxy configurations - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x
Once you have provisioned a Service Point v4 instance, you can modify the proxy configuration settings to configure a new proxy, update an existing proxy configuration, or remove an existing proxy configuration.
  • Currently, HTTP is the only supported proxy type.
  • SOCKS proxy servers are not supported.
  • Basic authentication is supported.
  • The proxy server must be configured to allow HTTP POST traffic.
  • The proxy server must be able to resolve all BlueCat Edge Cloud addresses.
  • For proxy servers and firewalls that do SSL interception:
    • mTLS must exclude/except *
    • You can't install certificates as a workaround.
  • The only tested and supported authorization is Basic authorization with username and password provided.

Adding new proxy credentials

  1. Log in to the Service Point v4 instance using the operations user and the VM console password through a console session.
    Attention: BlueCat recommends connecting to the Service Point v4 instance using a console session, as the change in network configuration can result in the Service Point v4 instance becoming unreachable using an SSH connection.
  2. Elevate your user permissions by running the following command:
    sudo su
  3. Add the proxy configuration using the following command:
    setproxy -h <host> \
    -n <port> \
    -u <user> \
    -p <password>
    • <host>: Enter the hostname of the proxy that the Service Point v4 VM will use.
    • <port>: (Optional) Add the port number used to connect to the proxy server. By default, the value is 443.
    • <user>: (Optional) Enter the username that will be used to authenticate against the proxy server.
    • <password>: (Optional) Enter the password that will be used to authenticate against the proxy server.
    Tip: To view a list of all setproxy parameters, enter the setproxy --help command.

Once you have run the command, the service point restarts the system services to use the proxy configurations. Once the services have restarted, you can use the fleet proxy command to verify the configurations.

Updating existing proxy credentials

  1. Log in to the Service Point v4 instance using the operations user and the VM console password through a console session.
    Attention: BlueCat recommends connecting to the Service Point v4 instance using a console session, as the change in network configuration can result in the Service Point v4 instance becoming unreachable using an SSH connection.
  2. Elevate your user permissions by running the following command:
    sudo su
  3. Check your proxy configuration settings by running the following command:
    fleet proxy
    If you have a proxy configured, the fleet proxy command returns the following response:
  4. If your new proxy configuration does not require credentials and your current proxy configuration uses credentials to authenticate, remove the existing proxy credentials using the following command:
    setproxy -h "" -u ""

    If your new proxy configuration requires credential and your current proxy configuration also uses credentials to authenticate, you can move to the next step to overwrite the existing proxy configuration.

  5. Modify the proxy configuration using the following command:
    setproxy -h <host> \
    -n <port> \
    -u <user> \
    -p <password>
    • <host>: Enter the hostname of the proxy that the Service Point v4 VM will use.
    • <port>: (Optional) Add the port number used to connect to the proxy server. By default, the value is 443.
    • <user>: (Optional) Enter the username that will be used to authenticate against the proxy server.
    • <password>: (Optional) Enter the password that will be used to authenticate against the proxy server.
    Tip: To view a list of all setproxy parameters, enter the setproxy --help command.

Once you have run the command, the service point restarts the system services to use the proxy configurations. Once the services have restarted, you can use the fleet proxy command to verify the configurations.

Removing proxy credentials

  1. Log in to the Service Point v4 instance using the operations user and the VM console password through a console session.
    Attention: BlueCat recommends connecting to the Service Point v4 instance using a console session, as the change in network configuration can result in the Service Point v4 instance becoming unreachable using an SSH connection.
  2. Elevate your user permissions by running the following command:
    sudo su
  3. Check your proxy configuration settings by running the following command:
    fleet proxy
    If you have a proxy configured, the fleet proxy command returns the following response:
  4. Remove the proxy configuration using the following command:
    setproxy -h "" -u ""

Once you have run the command, the service point restarts the system services to use the proxy configurations. Once the services have restarted, you can use the fleet proxy command to verify the configurations.