Site administration APIs - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Allows management of a collection of sites or physical locations (for example, stores or regional offices) where service points are housed.

Resource URL Authorization Description
/v3/api/sites (GET) Admin, Policy Admin, Analyst Lists all of the configured sites.
/v3/api/sites (POST) Admin Adds a new site, and if successful return the site ID.
/v3/api/sites (PATCH) System Admin Updates the service point version of sites.
/v3/api/sites/{siteId} (GET) Admin, Policy Admin, Analyst Search for a site by site ID.
/v3/api/sites/{siteId} (PUT) Admin Updates the site name, location, time zone, and namespace settings.
/v3/api/sites/{siteId} (DELETE) Admin Delete the site with the specified site ID.
/v3/api/sites/{siteId}/clearCache (POST) Admin Clears the cache of a site.