/api/v1/status - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x
Retrieve simple diagnostic information on the Service Point v4 instance.
Note: The /api/v1/status endpoint provides a simplified response of the /api/v1/diagnostics endpoint. To view additional diagnostics details of the Service Point v4 instance, refer to /api/v1/diagnostics.
Request: GET http://<spv4_ip_address>:8083/api/v1/status

Successful response

200 OK
  "networkConnectivity": {
    "fleetMgmtEndpointErrorMessage": "",
    "fleetMgmtEndpointStatus": 200,
    "localIpStatus": "OK"
  "registrationStatus": {
    "details": "",
    "state": "REGISTERED"
Where the fields represent the following:
  • networkConnectivity—the network connectivity of the service point. The network connectivity section includes the following information:
    • fleetMgmtEndpointErrorMessage—error messages related to the fleetMgmtEndpointStatus test.
    • fleetMgmtEndpointStatus—the status code returned from checking if the service point can connect to the Fleet Management Ingress API gateway.
    • localIpStatus—checks if the local network interface is functioning correctly.
  • registrationStatus—the registration status of the service point. The registration status section includes the following information:
    • details—the details related to the registration status of the service point.
    • state—the registration state of the service point