/user/api/v1/servicePoints (POST) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Creates a Service Point v4.

Request: POST https://<us|eu>.fleet.bluec.at/user/api/v1/servicePoints
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: Application/JSON
    "name": "Service Point v4 Name",
    "description": "Service Point v4 Description",
    "hostname": "www.hostname.com",
    "ipv4CIDRAddress": "",
    "ipv4GatewayAddress": "",
    "ipv6CIDRAddress": "2001:3:40f::5/64",
    "ipv6GatewayAddress": "2001:3:40f::1",
    "ntpServers": [
    "dnsServers": [
    "sshPublicKey": "ssh-rsa abcd1234... user@host",
    "consolePassword": "password",
    "httpProxySettings": {
        "host": "proxy.blue.cat",
        "scheme": "http",
        "port": "443",
        "user": "proxy",
        "password": "pass"
Body parameters
  • name—the name of the service point
  • description—the description of the service point
  • hostname—the hostname of the service point
  • ipv4CIDRAddress—the IPv4 CIDR address of the service point
  • ipv4GatewayAddress—the IPv4 gateway address of the service point
  • ipv6CIDRAddress—the IPv6 CIDR address of the service point
  • ipv6GatewayAddress—the IPv6 gateway address of the service point
  • ntpServers—a list of NTP servers used by the service point. If you do not configure any NTP servers, the service point will use the following default Debian NTP servers:
    • 0.debian.pool.ntp.org
    • 1.debian.pool.ntp.org
    • 2.debian.pool.ntp.org
    • 3.debian.pool.ntp.org
  • dnsServers—a list of DNS resolvers used by the service point. If you do not configure any DNS servers, the service point will use as the default DNS server.
  • sshPublicKey—the SSH public key of the service point. You can use an existing key pair by entering the content of the public key in the field, or generate a new key pair and enter the content of the newly created public key in the field.

    This adds the public key to the .ssh directory of the Service Point v4 VM and allows you to SSH into the service point. Once you have provisioned the service point, you can access the service point using SSH and the associated private key to log into the operations user account.

  • consolePassword—the console password for the service point. The password must meet the following requirements:
    • It must contain lowercase characters.
    • It must contain uppercase characters.
    • It must contain numbers.
    • It must contain symbols.
    • It must not contain spaces.
    • It must contain at least 12 characters.
    Note: The sshPublicKey and consolePassword are applied to the operations user account.
    Attention: The sshPublicKey and consolePassword fields are mandatory and must be filled out to provision the service point.
  • httpProxySettings—the HTTP proxy settings for the service point. The HTTP proxy settings include the following information:
    • host—the HTTP proxy hostname
    • scheme—the HTTP proxy URL scheme. The default value is HTTP
    • port—the HTTP proxy port
    • user—the HTTP proxy username used for authentication
    • password—the HTTP proxy password used for authentication

Successful response

202 Accepted
  "servicePointID": "string",
  "nodeConfig": {
    "vmwareGuestInfo": {
      "userdata": "string",
      "metadata": "string"
    "bluecatApplianceCloudInit": {
      "userdata": "string",
      "metadata": "string",
      "networkConfig": "string"
    "cloudBase64": "string"
Where the fields represent the following:
  • servicePointID—the unique ID of the service point
  • nodeConfig—the configuration information used to register the service point with the Edge CI. The configuration information includes the following:
    • vmwareGuestInfo—the configuration information for provisioning a service point in VMware environments
      • userdata—the value of the userdata field that is entered in the guestinfo.userdata parameter
      • metadata—the value of the metadata field that is entered in the guestinfo.metadata parameter
    • bluecatApplianceCloudInit—the configuration information for provisioning a service point on BlueCat hardware appliances
      • userdata—the value of the userdata field for the NoCloud data source in cloud-init
      • metadata—the value of the metadata field for the NoCloud data source in cloud-init
      • networkConfig—the network configuration for the NoCloud data source in cloud-init
    • cloudBase64—the base64 encoded configuration information for provisioning a service point on AWS, Azure, GCP, Equinix, or Nutanix
Attention: The configuration information can only be retrieved once and cannot be recovered later. The configuration information contains content that is compressed and base64 encoded, and can contain sensitive information such as HTTP proxy credentials.

BlueCat strongly recommends storing the configuration information in a secure location and only storing the configuration information for as long as required. The configuration information should be securely destroyed when it is no longer in use.