/user/api/v1/servicePoints/{id}/dsrVIPs (POST) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Sets the virtual IP addresses (VIP) for a specified Service Point v4 to use for DSR load balancing.

  • Service Point v4 instances only support IPv4 virtual IP addresses.
  • To remove the DSR VIPs, call the /user/api/v1/fleetInstances/{id}/dsrVIPs API with an empty list of IP addresses.
Request: POST https://<us|eu>.fleet.bluec.at/user/api/v1/servicePoints/{id}/dsrVIPs
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: Application/JSON
    "ipAddresses": [

Path parameter

Name Description Type Required/Optional
id The Service Point v4 ID Integer Required
Body parameters
  • ipAddresses—a list of IPv4 addresses to be used for DSR load balancing.

Successful response

202 Accepted
Possible error codes
  • 400 Failed to parse the request body, the list of DSR VIP addresses is empty, or the list contains conflicting IP addresses.
  • 404 Service Point not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error.