/user/api/v1/servicePoints/{id}/serviceInstances (POST) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Deploys an instance of a service to a specified Service Point v4.

Request: POST https://<us|eu>.fleet.bluec.at/user/api/v1/servicePoints/{id}/serviceInstances
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: Application/JSON
  "serviceDescriptorID": "edge-id-proxy-2.1.0",
  "name": "test identity service",
  "parameters": [
      "name": "UmbrellaOrganizationID",
      "value": 1234567
      "name": "DNSForwarderType",
      "value": "DoT"
      "name": "EventHubConnectionString",
      "value": "Endpoint=sb://NamespaceName.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=KeyName;SharedAccessKey=KeyValue"
      "name": "EventHubName",
      "value": "TestEventHub"
      "name": "EventHubConsumerGroup",
      "value": "Group1"
      "name": "EventHubPartitionId",
      "value": "123"
  "ingressEndpoints": []

Path parameter

Name Description Type Required/Optional
id The Service Point v4 ID Integer Required
Body parameters
  • serviceDescriptorID—the ID of the service instance that you would like to deploy
  • name—the name that you would like to deploy to the service instance
  • parameters—information about the service including the following fields:
    • name—the name of the service parameter
    • value—the value of the service parameter
  • ingressEndpoints—information about the ingress endpoints of the service including the following fields:
    • portLabel—the label for the ingress endpoint. If required by the service, the port label can be one of the following:
      • dns—the endpoint will be used for DNS service. When the endpoint is dns, the addresses field specifies the IP addresses that the ingress endpoint will listen on for DNS service.
      • healthcheck—the endpoint will be used for health and diagnostics. When the endpoint is healthcheck, the addresses field specifies the IP addresses that the ingress endpoint will listen on for health and diagnostics.
      • If you do not specify an IP address, the defined port label binds to all primary IP addresses of the service point.
      • If you omit a port label from the ingress endpoints, the port label will be internal and will not be exposed.
    • addresses—the service IP addresses of the service point that bind to the ingress endpoint

Successful response

202 Accepted
  "id": "9d1fc0e2b19011edafa10242ac120002"

Where the id is the unique ID of the service instance.