/user/api/v1/servicePoints/{id}/settings (PATCH) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Update the name and description of a specified Service Point v4 based on the ID of the service point.

Request: PATCH https://<us|eu>.fleet.bluec.at/user/api/v1/servicePoints/{id}/settings
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: Application/JSON
    "name": "Updated Service Point v4 Name",
    "description": "Updated Service Point v4 Description"
    "ntpConfiguration": {
        "servers": [
        "clientNetworks": [

Path parameter

Name Description Type Required/Optional
id The Service Point v4 ID Integer Required
Body parameters
  • name—the updated name of the service point
  • description—the updated description of the service point
  • ntpConfiguration—the updated NTP configuration. The NTP configuration can only be updated on Service Point v4.7.0 and greater. The NTP configuration fields include the following:
    • servers—a list of NTP servers that the service point synchronizes with. The value can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or an FQDN.
    • clientNetworks—a list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or subnets that are allowed to access NTP service on the service point.

Successful response

200 OK