Clear the cache of the DNS resolver services deployed to service points within a site.
If you modify the forwarders of an existing namespace, the cached answer to a query might
differ from what the newly configured forwarder would return. BlueCat recommends
clearing the cache of the site once a forwarder has been modified to ensure that the DNS
resolver service uses the answer from the updated forwarder.
Attention: This API clears the cache of a site with DNS resolver services
deployed. To clear the cache of a site with Service Point v3 instances deployed,
refer to /v3/api/sites/{siteId}/clearCache (POST).
POST https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/dnsResolverServices/clearCache?siteId=<site_id>
Authorization: Bearer authorization token
Query parameter
Name | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
site_id | The specific site that you would like to clear the cache from. | Integer | Required |
Successful response
Possible error codes
- 500 Internal Server Error