Returns a list of namespaces, or namespaces associated with the site specified by site ID, or by namespace ID, if specified.
GET https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/namespaces
Authorization: Bearer token
GET https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/namespaces/{namespaceId}
Authorization: Bearer token
GET https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/namespaces?siteId={siteId}
Authorization: Bearer token
Name | Description | Type | Required |
siteId | The site for which you want to view namespace information. If no site is provided, an error is returned. If there is no site with that ID, an empty list is returned. | String | Required |
namespaceId | The namespace you want to view. | String | Required |
Successful response
200 OK
Content-Type: application/JSON
"description":"description of the namespace",
"forwarders": ["", ""],
"matchLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"exceptionLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
"isDefault": <true | false>,
"umbrellaIntegrationId": "<id of umbrella integration>",
"ttl": 60,
"staleCacheEntriesTTL": 3600,
"doHEnabled": <true | false>,
"retryRCodes": [3, 2],
"negativeCacheTTL": 60,
"ecsConfiguration": {
"v4Prefix": 24,
"v6Prefix": 56,
"override": true
"associatedSiteSettings": [
"id": "siteId2",
"overridingForwarders": ["]
Note: A TTL value of -1 indicates that the TTL value of the query response isn't
Response on unsuccessful authorization
401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/JSON
{"code": "UNAUTHORIZED", "brief": "You are not authorized to perform this action"}
Possible error codes
- 400 Bad Request, INVALID_STALE_CACHE_ENTRIES_TTL - Stale cache entries TTL must be one of 0, 3,600, or 86,400 seconds
- 404 Not Found, NOT_FOUND - No matching namespace found
- 404 Not Found, NOT_FOUND - namespaceId is invalid
- 500 Internal Server Error, UNEXPECTED_SERVER_ERROR - Unexpected error while processing the request