/v1/api/namespaces/{namespaceId} (PUT) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Updates the namespace specified by namespace ID. Note that all parameters are updated with this action, whether you specify values or not. If you leave a parameter out, its value will be overwritten with no data.

PUT https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v1/api/namespaces/{namespaceId}
Authorization: Bearer token
Content-Type: application/json

   "name": "namespace",
   "description": "this is a namespace",
   "forwarders": ["", ""],
   "matchLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
   "exceptionLists": ["domainListId1", "domainListId2"],
   "umbrellaIntegrationId": "<id of umbrella integration>",
   "ttl": 60
   "staleCacheEntriesTTL": 3600,
   "dohEnabled": false,
   "retryRCodes": [3, 2],
   "negativeCacheTTL": 60,
   "ecsConfiguration": {
            "v4Prefix": 24,
            "v6Prefix": 56,
            "override": true
Attention: If you modify the forwarders of an existing namespace, the cached answer to a query might differ from what the newly configured forwarder would return. BlueCat recommends clearing the cache of the site once a forwarder has been modified to ensure that the DNS resolver service uses the answer from the updated forwarder. For more information on clearing the cache of the DNS resolver service, refer to /v1/api/dnsResolverServices/clearCache (POST).
Note: If you don't specify the TTL value, the value defaults to -1.

Successful response


Response on unsuccessful authorization

401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/JSON
{"code": "UNAUTHORIZED", "brief": "You are not authorized to perform this action"}
Possible error codes
  • 400 Bad Request, TOO_MANY_DOMAIN_LISTS - The namespace can't contain more than 20 domain lists.
  • 400 Bad Request, TOO_MANY_DOMAINS - A domain list in the match list contains more than the maximum 100,000 domains allowed.
  • 400 Bad Request, TOO_MANY_DOMAINS - A domain list in the exception list contains more than the maximum 100,000 domains allowed.
  • 400 Bad Request, DOMAIN_LIST_NOT_FOUND - A domain list in the match list can't be found.
  • 400 Bad Request, INVALID_STALE_CACHE_ENTRIES_TTL - Stale cache entries TTL must be one of 0, 3,600, or 86,400 seconds.
  • 400 Bad Request, DOMAIN_LIST_NOT_FOUND - A domain list in the exception list can't be found.
  • 409 Conflict, NAMESPACE_ALREADY_EXISTS - The namespace name is already in use
  • 404 Not Found, NOT_FOUND - No matching namespace found
  • 500 Internal Server Error, UNEXPECTED_SERVER_ERROR - Unexpected error while processing the request