/v2/domainLists (GET) - BlueCat Edge - Service Point v4.x.x

BlueCat Edge User Guide

Product name
BlueCat Edge
Service Point v4.x.x

Gets a list of domain lists. You can also get a list of domains with names containing the search fragment by specifying the ?nameContains={fragment} optional parameter.

GET https://api-<BlueCat.edge.url>/v2/domainLists?nameContains={fragment}
Authorization: Bearer authorization token
Content-type: application/JSON

Successful response

200 OK
      "id": "<domain-list-id>",
      "name": "<domain-list-name>",
      "description": "<description>",
      "sourceType": "<user|dynamic>",
      "dynamicOptions": {
         "hostname": "<hostname>",
         "filePath": "<filepath>",
         "port": <port>,
         "tranferType": "rsyncSSH",
         "user": "<ssh-user>",
         "publicHostKey": "<public-host-key>",
         "syncRate": 5 
      "domainCount": <count>
Note: If the sourceType for a domain list is "user", the dynamic option configuration information isn't returned. Dynamic option information is only returned when the sourceType is dynamic.
Possible error codes
  • UNEXPECTED_ERROR - Internal server error