Introduction to BlueCat GCP Virtual Appliances - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

BlueCat GCP Virtual Appliances

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

This section describes supported services and configuration requirements for BlueCat Address Manager for GCP and BlueCat DNS for GCP. It assumes that you are familiar with the GCP environment and general operations of the platform.

BlueCat Address Manager for GCP and BlueCat DNS for GCP allow you to configure, manage, and deploy enterprise-scale DNS and IP address management services throughout your corporate network. Use BlueCat Address Manager for GCP and BlueCat DNS for GCP to expand or augment your current on-site network environment or set up your enterprise DNS entirely on the GCP cloud.

Support for Address Manager on GCP was added in Address Manager v9.5.0. This guide covers configuration of both BlueCat Address Manager for GCP and BlueCat DNS for GCP virtual appliances for customers on version 9.5.0. For the previous BlueCat DNS for GCP-only implementation, refer to BlueCat DNS for Google Cloud Platform.