Configure Sync (Read) - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 22.7

BlueCat Overlay for Microsoft

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

The Configure Sync (Read) workflow allows you to manage the Windows Servers, DHCP networks, DNS zones, and additional information that is imported into Address Manager. You can also configure a scheduler to import Windows Server information at a predefined frequency.

Select Servers

  1. Under AVAILABLE ACTIONS, click BlueCat Overlay for Microsoft > Configuration.
  2. Click Select Servers.
  3. Under Select Servers, enter the following information:
    • Configuration—select the Address Manager Configuration that will be used to synchronize data with the Windows Servers.
    • View—select the DNS View where the DNS data from the Windows Servers is managed.
    • Select the checkbox next to one or more Windows Servers to work with.
    • Click Save.

    The page saves the settings and refreshes.

Select DHCP Networks

  1. Click Select DHCP Networks.
  2. Under Select DHCP Networks, perform the following actions:
    • Click Refresh to retrieve the list of DHCP networks from the selected Windows servers.
    • Select the checkbox next to one or more DHCP networks to synchronize with Address Manager.
    • Click Save.

    The page saves the settings and refreshes.

    Note: Once you click Save, BlueCat Overlay for Microsoft automatically creates the selected DHCP networks in Address Manager if they do not exist.

Select DNS Zones

  1. Click Select DNS Zones.
  2. Under Select DNS Zones, perform the following actions:
    • Click Refresh to retrieve the list of DNS Zones from the selected Windows servers.
    • Select the checkbox next to one or more DNS Zones to synchronize with Address Manager.
    • Click Save.

    The page saves the settings and refreshes.

    Note: Once you click Save, BlueCat Overlay for Microsoft automatically creates the selected DNS Zones in Address Manager if they do not exist.

Additional Settings

  1. Click Additional Settings.
  2. Under Additional Settings, select the following additional settings:
    • Under Select Services, click the checkbox next to DNS, DHCP, or both to synchronize the selected services.
    • Under Select data to import, select the following options:
      • Sync DHCP Lease info from MS DHCP—synchronizes DHCP lease information from Windows DHCP Servers into Address Manager.
      • Sync DNS Records from MS DNS—synchronizes DNS records from Windows DNS Servers into Address Manager.
      • Sync DHCP Options from MS DHCP—synchronizes DHCP options from Windows DHCP Servers into Address Manager.
      • Sync DNS Options from MS DNS—synchronizes DNS options from Windows DNS Servers into Address Manager.
    • Under Managing DNS and DHCP data, select the following options:
      • Secondary Zone Notifications Enabled?—select this option to enable Secondary Zone Notifications. BlueCat Address Manager allows for BlueCat DNS/DHCP Servers to notify Address Manager of any changes to DNS records and IP addresses in near real-time when DNS/DHCP Servers are configured as Secondary DNS Servers. Any DNS changes occurring on Windows DNS Servers are propagated to DNS/DHCP Servers which are kept up-to-date in Address Manager. Select this option if your Address Manager is configured to accept DNS notifications from a Secondary DNS Zone.
        Note: This option is not compatible with synchronizing DNS Records and DHCP Leases.
      • Preserve IPv4 Networks when deleted from MS DHCP—select this option to preserve a DHCP network in Address Manager when it is removed from Windows DHCP Servers. By default, when a DHCP network is removed from a Windows DHCP Server, the associated DHPC network is also removed from Address Manager.
      • Preserve DNS Zones when deleted from MS DNS—select this option to preserve a DNS zones in Address Manager when it is removed from Windows DNS Servers. By default, when a DNS Zone is removed from a Windows DNS Server, the associated DNS zone is also removed from Address Manager.
      • Create Generic Host Records when Network not found—select this option to create Host Records with missing networks as Generic Records in Address Manager. By default, Host DNS Records (A/AAAA) in Address Manager require a corresponding IPv4 or IPv6 network to exist. When the network containing the IP address of the Host Record is not found, the Host Record is not imported into Address Manager.
      • Match Linked Records to external Hosts when Host RR not found—select this option to link records to External Host Records in Address Manager. By default, when creating DNS records that depend on other records, such as CNAME, MX, or SRV records, the Host record must exist in Address Manager. If the related DNS record is not found, the record is not imported into Address Manager.
      • Auto-Discover new Networks from MS DHCP—select this option to always add new DHCP Networks to Address Manager when they are created on Windows DHCP Servers.
      • Auto-Discover new DNS Zones from MS DNS—select this option to always add new DNS Zones to Address Manager when they are created on Windows DNS Servers.
    • Click Save.

    The page saves the settings and refreshes.


  1. Click Scheduler.
  2. Under Scheduler, enter the following information:
    • Click Enable to enable a sync schedule.
    • Under Synchronization Schedule, select the frequency at which the information is synchronized with Address Manager.
    • Click Save to save the scheduler options.
    • Click Sync Now to run the synchronization on demand.
      Note: Selected DHCP networks and DNS zones will appear in the Address Manager UI, independently of the services chosen for sync. These are created as soon as you select the DHCP networks and DNS zones to sync in the Select DHCP Networks and Select DNS Zones sections.