Once you have installed the DHCP lease visibility plug-in on the DNS/DHCP Server, you can configure the settings of the DHCP lease visibility plug-in to determine which Windows DHCP server to poll and the polling settings.
Configuration settings
- Log in to the BlueCat Gateway instance running on the DNS/DHCP Server by navigating to the IP address of the DNS/DHCP Server in your browser and entering the credentials for the user with the BlueCatGateway UDF.
- If required, configure the workflow permissions for the workflow. By default, access to the installation workflow is allows to Gateway users in the BlueCatGateway group all.
- Click the DHCP Leases Installation workflow.Note: The current release of the DHCP Leases workflow contains an old version of BlueCat Overlay for Microsoft. You should only use the DHCP Leases Installation workflow on this BlueCat Gateway instance.
- Click the Configuration tab and confirm the default
settings.If required, modify the following settings:
- Poller Interval (Minute): The frequency at which the Windows DHCP server is polled in minutes.
- Logging Interval (Day): The frequency in which the DHCP leases log file is written in days.
- Debug Mode: Select this checkbox to enable debugging mode.
- Max File Size (Bytes): The maximum file size of the DHCP lease file in bytes.
- Click Save to create the configuration.Note: You may have to type a value in a field to enable the Save button; however, it is not necessary to change any of the values if not required.
Windows Server Credentials settings
- Click the Windows Server Credentials tab.Enter the following information:
- Server IP: The IP address of the target Windows DHCP server.
- User Name: The username used to authenticate with the Windows DHCP server.
- Password: The password used to authenticate with the Windows DHCP server.
- SSL: Select this checkbox to use an SSL connection to the Windows DHCP Server.
- Audit Log Folder: The folder where the DHCP server has been configured to store audit logs.
- Click Add.
Repeat this process for all Windows DHCP servers that will be monitored by this DNS/DHCP Server.
Note: The installation workflow stores the configuration and credentials in the
/root/gwdata/workflows/installation_ms_dhcp_leases_visibility/dhcp_leases_config/dhcp_leases_visibility.ini /root/gwdata/workflows/installation_ms_dhcp_leases_visibility/dhcp_leases_config/win_credential.json
Starting the DHCP lease visibility process
- Log in to the DNS/DHCP Server as the root user
ssh root@<bdds-ip-address>
- Start the DHCP lease visibility process using the following commands:
- The following command tells the DNS/DHCP Server to monitor the
contents of the dhcpd.leases
docker run --rm --net host -u root \ -v /usr/local/bluecat:/usr/local/bluecat \ quay.io/bluecat/msdhcp_lease_visibility:21.1 \ /opt/microsoft-dhcp-leases-visibility/enable_dhcp_watcher.py
- The following command starts the container for the DHCP lease
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name dhcp-lease \ -v /var/state/dhcp/:/var/state/dhcp/ \ -v /root/gwdata/workflows/installation_ms_dhcp_leases_visibility/dhcp_leases_config:/dhcp_leases_config \ -v /var/log/microsoft_dhcp_leases_visibility/:/var/log/microsoft_dhcp_leases_visibility/ \ quay.io/bluecat/msdhcp_lease_visibility:21.1 \ /opt/microsoft-dhcp-leases-visibility/dhcp_leases_visibility.py
- The following command tells the DNS/DHCP Server to monitor the
contents of the dhcpd.leases
- Check the log file to confirm that the DHCP server audit log has been
retrieved and processed, and that the dhcpd.leases file
is updated if necessary using the following
less /var/log/microsoft_dhcp_leases_visibility/dhcp_leases_visibility.log
- When the configuration is changed, such as a new DHCP server has been added,
the service must be restarted by restarting the DNS/DHCP Server or by
running the following
docker restart dhcp-lease