Audit Data Export and Retention - BlueCat Python Library - 21.11.2

BlueCat Python Library Guide

Product name
BlueCat Python Library

This section includes the new Python API wrappers for the Audit Data Export and Audit Data Retention APIs in BlueCat Gateway.


Configure the audit data export service to an external database, either a Splunk server or an HTTP endpoint.

Attention: This API method requires the following:
  • When configuring an HTTP endpoint, if you enter an HTTPS address in the “uri” or “healthCheckUri” field, you must enter the TLS configuration that is used by the HTTP endpoint server. When configuring a Splunk endpoint, if you enter an HTTPS address in the “host” field, you must enter the TLS configuration that is used by the Splunk endpoint.

Parameters Description
audit_log_settings(dict) The data for Audit data settings.


from bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api import Client

audit_log_settings = {
    "sinks": [{
        "healthCheck": False,
        "type": "http",
        "uri": "",
        "tls": {
            "caCert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n<certificate_content>\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
            "verifyCertificate": True,
            "verifyHostname": True
    "enable": True
with Client(<bam_host_url>) as client:
    client.login(<username>, <password>)

New in version 21.5.1.

get_audit_log_export_settings() → dict

Return the audit data export settings that were set using the configure_audit_log_export API method.

Returns: The current audit data export settings in Address Manager.

Return type: dict

from bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api import Client

with Client.from_url(<bam_host_url>) as client:
    client.login(<username>, <password>)
    settings = client.get_audit_log_export_settings()
for k, v in settings.items():
    print(f"{k}: {v}")
New in version 21.5.1

update_retention_settings(settings: typing.Union[bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api.models.RetentionSettings, NoneType] = None) → bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api.models.RetentionSettings

Set the new value for history retention settings or return the existing retention settings.

Parameter Description
settings (RetentionSettings, optional) The history retention settings

Returns: RetentionSettings

Return type: RetentionSettings

from bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api import Client
from bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api.models import RetentionSettings

# To get existing retention settings value
with Client.from_url(<bam_host_url>) as client:
    client.login(<username>, <password>)
    retention_settings = client.update_retention_settings()

# To update history retention settings which administrative history is 1(day),
session event history is 3(days), DDNS history is 2(days) and DHCP history is 2(days)
with Client.from_url(<bam_host_url>) as client:
    client.login(<username>, <password>)
    retention_settings = client.update_retention_settings(
        RetentionSettings(admin=1, sessionEvent=3, ddns=2, dhcp=2)
print('Administrative retention history: %s'%retention_settings.get('admin'))
New in version 21.5.1