BlueCat Library Address Manager REST v2 API client reference - BlueCat Python Library - 24.3.2

BlueCat Python Library Guide

Product name
BlueCat Python Library

The BlueCat Library Address Manager REST v2 API client contains a set of classes and methods that provide direct access to the Address Manager v2 RESTful API. These classes and methods give you access to BlueCat Address Manager in a standalone Python application (that is, they do not need to be used within a BlueCat Gateway workflow).

Use the BlueCat Library APIs when building standalone automation solutions that don't need to work in BlueCat Gateway or use a Gateway UI.

  • For more details on the Address Manager RESTful v2 API itself (to which the the client provides access), see the Address Manager RESTful v2 API Guide.

  • For a complete reference to Address Manager RESTful v2 API calls and endpoints, see the API's Swagger docs at http://<Address Manager IP address>/api/docs" format="html", where <Address Manager IP address> is the IP address of the relevant instance of Address Manager 9.5 (or later).