What's New in v23.1 - BlueCat Python Library - 23.1

BlueCat Python Library Guide

Product name
BlueCat Python Library

This release of the BlueCat Python Library has the following changes.

REST v2 API Client

This release includes a new REST v2 API client that provides access to the RESTful v2 API, introduced in 9.5. The previous API is now referred to as the Legacy v1 API.

Unlike the client for the Legacy v1 API, the REST v2 API client does not have a separate method for each BAM resource. Instead, it has Python methods for the different HTTP methods that a request can have. This minimal interface gives a workflow developer complete control over the expressiveness of the RESTful API.

The new tools for using the BAM RESTful v2 API from BlueCat Library can be found in bluecat_libraries.address_manager.apiv2: A client, an exception for representing API errors, and constants for media types used by the RESTful v2 API. For more details, see Using the REST v2 API clientBlueCat Library Address Manager REST v2 API client reference.

New tools for working with structured versions

This release includes new tools for working with structured version numbers. They can be useful for making non-lexicographic comparisons when dealing with version strings.

  • Class for representing a version with a major, minor, and patch parts: bluecat_libraries.address_manager.version.Version

  • Function for parsing strings into a structured version: bluecat_libraries.address_manager.version.parse_version

New wrappers for Address Manager REST v1 Client

The Address Manager REST v1 Client (bluecat_libraries.address_manager.api.Client) has new wrappers for calling Address Manager Legacy v1 API endpoints:
  • import_entities for POST /v1/importEntities

  • upload_docker_image for POST /v1/uploadDockerImage

Response handling for base (generic) HTTP client organized into separate methods

In the base (generic) HTTP client (bluecat_libraries.http_client.Client) handling of responses are now organized into separate methods to allow derived classes (clients) to customize their behavior. New methods are _handle_request_exc and _handle_nonerror_response.

Changed handling of the Session.verify parameter during HTTP requests

The value of the Session parameter verify (Session.verify) now defaults to the value from the internal session when http_request is called with verify=None.